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Remodeling of a mixed-use development in Milford, New Jersey. Conceptual plans call for the remodel of a library; and municipal facility.

I. Project Summary The Borough of Milford is seeking a request for qualifications ("RFQ") for professional architectural services in two phases: The first phase ("Conceptual") would be the creation of conceptual plans to adaptively utilize the existing Milford Public Library to include the Borough's municipal offices. This first phase, in addition to defining the project conceptually, would also entail a projection of all potential costs. These plans would have to be prepared and submitted to the Borough within six (6) months of the award of contract. The second phase ("Construction") would be the creation of construction documents, based upon approved conceptual plans, and the oversight of all engineering and construction related endeavors from inception to completion. II. Project Goal The Borough desires to fully integrate the Borough's municipal offices into the existing Milford Public Library building in a manner which produces code compliant facilities for both the Library and the Borough's offices, while having sufficient segregation of the two facilities to ensure the public accessibility and the efficient operation of both the Milford Library and the Borough's municipal offices, while safeguarding the confidentiality of records maintained within the Borough's municipal offices. III. Required Submissions A. _____ Estimated Professional Fees for Phase I Conceptual; B. _____ Estimated Professional Fees for Phase II Construction; C. _____ Hourly Rates for all Members Utilized, and their Titles; D. _____ Curriculum Vitaes of Principals, and Team Members to Be Involved; and E. ____ Listing of pertinent municipal, commercial, and residential projects similar in nature to the Project Summary and Goal set. Interested Professional Architectural Services should contact the Borough Clerk, Karen Dysart at 908-995-4323 or via email at




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May 13, 2022


40 Frenchtown Rd, Milford, NJ

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