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Saving Project...

Published July 1, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a transportation facility in Spring Green, Wisconsin. Working plans call for site work for a transportation facility; and for paving for a transportation facility.

As of July 1, 2021, This project has not yet been awarded. Base Bid: Runway 9-27 Rehabilitation Alternate A: Taxiway A Reconstruction Alternate B: Reconstruct Runway Lighting and NAVAIDs Pulverize and Relay 50,200 SY, Common Excavation 17,750 CY, Aggregate Base Course 11,000 Tons, Culverts 496 LF, HMA Pavement 12,790 Tons, Landscaping 56,950 SY, Pavement Marking 16,000 SF, Flexible Polyethylene Duct 19,210 LF, MIRLs 52 Each, and Rotating Beacon Installation. Contract Completion Time: 60 Working Day Each proposal must be accompanied by a bid bond, certificate of annual bid bond, a certified check, bank's draft, bank's check, or postal money order made payable to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation Secretary for 5% of the total amount bid. Certified checks may be drawn on the account of the bidder submitting the proposal. For further information, contact Aaron Stewart at (920) 735-6900, email Aaron.Stewart@westwoodps.com. The Work under this contract consists of Base Bid: the rehabilitation of Runway 9-27, Alternate A: the rehabilitation of Taxiway A (no additional time if awarded, work concurrent with Base Bid), and Alternate B: Runway lighting and rotating beacon (no additional time if awarded, work concurrent with Base Bid). Work includes excavation, pulverizing and relaying existing asphaltic pavement and base course, grading, HMA paving, pavement markings, installing culverts, traffic control, landscaping, runway lighting, and all incidental items necessary to complete the Work as shown on the plans and included in the Proposal and Contract. Project: LNR1001 / AIP 3-55-0126-11, LNR 1001

Final Planning

Transportation Terminals


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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E2525 Co Hwy JJ, Spring Green, WI

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