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Published June 15, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a water / sewer project in Bend, Oregon. Completed plans call for the construction of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

CITY OF BEND CONSTRUCTION OF CSEP: RIMROCK PUMP STATIONS IMPROVEMENTS, NO. 1SCSE The City of Bend invites Sealed Bids for construction of the CSEP: Rimrock Pump Stations Improvements Project. The project consists of construction of 940 LF of 8-inch water main and reconnection of existing water services, construction of 830 LF of 3-inch sewer forcemain and reconnection of existing pressure sewer and gravity services, and installation of two owner-furnished package pump stations including rerouting of the existing gravity and pressure sewer services to the package pump station wet wells. Bypass pumping of the existing sewer forcemain is expected to accomplish this work. The project also includes demolition of the four existing pump stations and reconstruction of the roadway (NW Silver Buckle Road). Bidders are responsible for making sure they have all addenda before submitting bids. Bids must be physically received by the City at the location listed below by the deadline. No faxed or electronic (email) bids shall be accepted. The outside of the envelope or box containing the bid shall include the bidders name and be marked: "Construction of CSEP: Rimrock Pump Station Improvements, Solicitation No. 21-3221". Prequalification is a requirement. Bidders must be prequalified with City of Bend at the time the bids are opened. Prequalification process is administered by the Private Development Engineering Division. Obtain forms online. New applications for the City of Bend prequalification must be received at least five days before the bid deadline. If applying for prequalification in order to bid on this job, write "For Current Bid" on front of submitted prequalification application materials. Contact the Issuing Officer for this solicitation for assistance.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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To Be Determined, Bend, OR

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