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Published May 17, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Augusta, Maine. Conceptual plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

As of May 17, 2022, this project is in the conceptual phase. An architect selection is pending and there is no definite timeline for award. A firm timeline for construction has not been determined. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: The VA Medical Center Togus in Augusta, ME has a requirement for a Firm Fixed Price contract to provide professional Architect/Engineer (A/E) Design Services to prepare construction ready design drawings for reconnecting Quarters 1 through 4 to the existing campus central steam plant via one of two existing steam vaults. Design work will include upgrades and repairs to the existing vaults to address the current water "boil off" condition in the two steam vaults leading to the Fisher House (B300), and connecting of steam piping from the vault to Q1-4. The two steam vaults are shown in the sketch contained in attached SOW. Design will also involve adding new steam heating equipment to Quarters 1. CONTRACT INFORMATION: The VA Medical Center Togus in Augusta, ME has a requirement for a Firm Fixed Price contract to provide professional Architect/Engineer (A/E) Design Services and related services as described in the attached scope of work (SOW). This acquisition is a Total Set-Aside for Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business (SDVOSB) in accordance with VAAR 852.219-10 with NAICS Code 541330. Any subsequent award will require the firm to be registered in System for Award Management (SAM www.sam.gov) and the VETBIZ Vendor Information Pages (https://www.vip.vetbiz.va.gov/). VETBIZ will be used to determine SDVOSB/VOSB Status, therefore, firms need to be registered with the applicable NAICS Code of 541330 at the time SF330's are submitted. Prospective firms are reminded that in accordance with VAAR 852.219-10 VA Notice of Total Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Business Set-Aside and FAR 52.219-14 Limitations on Subcontracting (JUN 2020)(DEVIATION 2019-01 SUPPLEMENT, at least 50 percent of the cost of personnel for contract performance shall be spent for employees of the concern or similarly situated concerns. SF330 packages shall address how firms anticipate meeting these criteria and shall identify expected percentage completion by the contractor and subcontractor concerns. This requirement is in accordance with the Selection of Architects and Engineers as implemented in Subpart 36.6 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation and Subpart 836.6 of the VA Acquisition Regulation. All submissions will be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation criteria. A "short list" of the three most highly rated after initial source selection will be chosen for discussions regarding concepts and the relative utility of alternative methods of furnishing the required services. After discussions, a final evaluation and ranking of firms will be established; the contracting officer will negotiate a contract award with the top-rated firm or move to the next highest rated firm if a fair and reasonable price cannot be negotiated. The Government will not pay, nor reimburse, any costs associated with responding to this request. The Government is under no obligation to award a contract as a result of this announcement. Respondents are put on notice that firm(s) selected by the Selection Authority will be required to submit a Fixed Price Rate Proposal to include labor, overhead, profit, and other costs for this project for negotiation by the Contracting Officer prior to contract award. The negotiated agreement will be incorporated into the resulting contract. PROJECT INFORMATION: Architect/Engineer to provide a complete construction design package including plans and specifications to prepare construction ready design drawings for reconnecting Quarters 1 through 4 to the existing campus central steam plant via one of two existing steam vaults. Design work will include upgrades and repairs to the existing vaults to address the current water "boil off" condition in the two steam vaults leading to the Fisher House (B300), and connecting of steam piping from the vault to Q1-4. The two steam vaults are shown in the sketch contained in attached SOW. Design will also involve adding new steam heating equipment to Quarters 1. This scope is comprised of Type A, B and C (CPS) services which will include concept, design and support through the construction phase of this work. This is a request for SF 330's Architect/Engineer Qualifications packages only. Any requests for a solicitation will not receive a response. No material will be issued, and no solicitation package or bidder/plan holder list will be issued. GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION a. Location of the firm, as measured by the driving distance (miles) between the Offeror's principle business location and the Togus VA Medical Center, Augusta, ME. Determination of the mileage will be based on Google Maps b. The A/E Firm must have general knowledge of the locality of the project. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS: a. Questions and comments regarding this notice must be submitted by email only to the Contracting Officer Christopher Field, at christopher.field2@va.gov . b. Oral questions will not be answered. c. The deadline for questions is February 18, 2022 at 2:00PM EST. H. SF 330 SUBMITTAL PACKAGE PAGE INSTRUCTIONS: a. SF 330 submittal packages, including Past Performance Questionnaires, shall be submitted no later than February 28, 2022 at 4:00PM EST. o Respondents are responsible for ensuring SF 330 submittal packages, any revisions, and modifications are submitted by this time. b. Qualified A/E firms are required to submit ONE (1) electronic copy via email to christopher.field2@va.gov. If file size exceeds 7MB then firms are required to send multiple emails with a sequence stating email 1 of __. SF 330 forms are available on-line at: http://www.gsa.gov/portal/forms/type/SF c. Submission of information incorporated by reference is not allowed. d. Prospective firms shall address all selection criteria factors within their submitted SF 330 package. e. Submissions are limited to 85 pages. i. Absolutely no photographs shall be submitted. ii. Title pages and tables of contents, if applicable, are excluded from the page count limitation. iii. Pages submitted in excess of the limitations specified in this Notice will not be evaluated by NCO 1. f. Telephone or Fax inquiries will not be accepted. Contract Duration: 150 Calendar Days The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




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February 28, 2023


1 VA Center, Augusta, ME

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