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Published June 23, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of an educational facility in Elko, Nevada. Completed plans call for the construction of a 26,000-square-foot educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

NRS 338.013 requires that identifying number to be included in all bids. Pursuant to NRS 338.1385 (3) a contractor must be qualified pursuant to NRS 338.1379 or 338.1382 to bid on the contract. This project is being financed in part by the USDA, and as such is required to comply with USDA requirements. As mentioned above, this project must comply with applicable Nevada Law in relation to being a Public Works Project. Additionally, as a Public Charter School, EIAA must meet requirements set by the Nevada State Public Charter School Authority (NSPCSA). The successful bidder will work with EIAA in meeting the requirements of all of these interested parties. 1. GENERAL INFORMATION Project: Elko Institute for Academic Achievement (EIAA) Charter School Building to be built on a site located at 1275 Ruby Vista Drive (the northeast corner of Ruby Vista Drive and College Parkway) in Elko, NV; consisting of approx. 30,991 square foot two-story School Building and associated Site Work General Information: Owner: EIAA Charter School Architect: Babcock Design Group, Wes Baker This project needs to comply with Nevada Prevailing Wage laws for Charter Schools, as well as USDA, Nevada PWP, and Elko City requirements. Registration of Intent to Bid: Please register your intent to bid by emailing Brent Pace (Brent@Odysseyptrs.com) no later than May 23, 2022. You will receive full bid instructions upon registering. The Governing Board of the EIAA Charter School specifically reserve the right, in its sole discretion, to accept the Bid which in its judgment is the best Bid for the School, to reject any or all Bids, to re-bid, or to waive technical or minor defects or irregularities in bidding. Provide with your Bid: 1. All completed bid forms 2. Proposed construction schedule using July 1, 2022 start date (Gantt Chart type) 3. List of relevant experience, with references 4. AIA Statement of Qualifications 5. Resum s of proposed team members and proposed organization Details: Construction drawings may be obtained from EIAA s Architect: Wes Baker Babcock Design Group 52 Exchange Place Salt Lake City, UT 84111 801-531-1144 wes@babcockdesign.com Link for plan available on 5/20 by the end of the da




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To Be Determined, Elko, NV

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