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Published July 29, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Orono, Maine. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

As of July 29, 2021, the project has been awarded to Bowman Construction but amount not available. Project includes demolition and new construction of the administration area at Orono High School. Demolition includes removal of selected interior finishes, unit masonry, interior and exterior hollow metal doors and frames, overhead rolling door system, windows, ceiling grid and tiles, grilles, and lighting fixtures. New construction will include installation of infill of walls, interior flush wood doors, door hardware, interior finishes, wall protection, and other Work indicated in the Contract Documents. The Auditorium, Cafeteria, and select entrance locations at Orono High School are currently under construction with Bowman Contractors and shall continue during the course of this Work. The cost of the work is approximately $150,000. The work to be performed under this contract shall be completed on or before the Final Completion date of 13 August 2021. Any bid submitted after the noted time will not be considered a valid bid and will remain unopened. Any bid submitted by another means will not be considered a valid bid. 2. The bid shall be submitted on the Contractor Bid Form (section 00 41 13) provided in the Bid Documents. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids as may best serve the interest of the Owner. 3. Bid security is not required on this project. If noted above as required, the Bidder shall include a satisfactory Bid Bond (section 00 43 13) or a certified or cashier's check for 5% of the bid amount with the completed bid form submitted to the Owner. The Bid Bond form is available on the BGS website. 4. Performance and Payment Bond are required on this project. If noted above as required, the selected Contractor shall furnish a 100% contract Performance Bond (section 00 61 13.13) and a 100% contract Payment Bond (section 00 61 13.16) in the contract amount to cover the execution of the Work. Bond forms are available on the BGS website. 5. Filed Sub-bids are not required on this project. 6. There are no Pre-qualified General Contractors on this project. If Pre-qualified General Contractors are identified for this project, the name of each company, with their city and state, are listed below. 8. Property Insurance for this construction contract, described in the Insurance Requirements section the General Conditions of the contract, shall be Renovation or addition insured by Owner.

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June 1, 2021

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14 Goodridge Dr, Orono, ME

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