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Published May 25, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a retail development in Tigard, Oregon. Completed plans call for the construction of a retail development; and for site work for a retail development.

The intent of partnering with a CM/GC for the Project is to establish a working relationship based on mutual trust, transparency and collaboration between the successful Proposer, City and design team. The Project will be an "Open Book" job, whereby the City project team may attend any and all meetings and bid openings related to the Project and have access to any and all books, accounts and records relating to the Project and will provide overlapping project and construction management activities. The successful Proposer will perform the Work in two phases as described in the Sample AIA A102-2017 Owner Contractor Agreement as Modified, Article 2 (Attachment G). During Phase 1, Contractor will perform preconstruction Services and Early Procurement Involvement. During Phase 2, Contractor will perform all portions of the Work other than the Preconstruction Services and Early Procurement Involvement. The terms and conditions of the Phase 2 Work will be set forth in a GMP Amendment. Until Owner and Contractor successfully negotiate the terms and conditions and execute the GMP Amendment, Contractor has not been awarded the Phase 2 portion of the Work. Other than the terms set out in the GMP Amendment, no other terms or conditions set forth in the contract shall be subject to negotiation except as permitted by City of Tigard, in its sole discretion. Upon execution of the GMP Amendment and City of Tigard issuance of a notice to proceed, the CM/GC shall commence the work in accordance with the contract. Should City of Tigard and the CM/GC not reach agreement on a GMP after the preconstruction phase, City of Tigard reserves the right not to proceed to the Phase 2 construction services with the CM/GC. Commencement of the Phase 2 construction services shall not excuse CM/GC from completion of Phase 1 preconstruction services, if the CM/GC has not fully performed such services at the commencement of Phase 2. Proposal submittal instructions will be sent to Proposers who attend the Mandatory Pre-Submittal Meeting. Award of Contract Week of July 12, 2021 Notice to proceed - work begins August 2, 2021 Questions and requests for clarification regarding this Request for Proposal must be directed in writing, via email to the person listed below. The deadline for submitting such questions/clarifications is seven (7) days prior to the proposal due date. An addendum will be issued no later than 72 hours prior to the proposal due date to all recorded plan holders of the RFP if a substantive clarification is in order. In order to become a plan holder Proposer must attend the mandatory pre-submittal meeting as explained in Section 2.2. Christine Moody, Purchasing Manager E-mail: christine@tigard-or.gov Phone: 503-718-2415 Only questions answered by formal written addenda will be binding. Oral and other interpretations or clarifications will be without legal effect




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New Construction, Site Work

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9100 SW Burnham St, Tigard, OR

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