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Site work and outdoor lighting for an educational facility in Hartford, Connecticut. Completed plans call for site work for a educational facility.

Invitation to Bid capitol Region Education Council University of Hartford Magnet School (Uhms) Landscaping and Lighting Improvements Project The Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) requests bids from qualified Contractors for UHMS Landscaping and Lighting Improvements Project. Questions concerning the proposal shall be directed to Kate Rotella. CREC reserves the right to reject any or all proposals, and in particular, to reject a proposal incomplete or irregular. CREC reserves the right to waive any informality or irregularity in any proposal received, to negotiate changes to offered terms and to accept the proposal that, in its judgment, will be in the best interest of CREC. The Capitol Region Education Council is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Project Location: 196 Bloomfield Ave., West Hartford, CT., 06117 Replacement of Existing Light pole base and associated electrical work for reconnection to existing and/or new lighting conduits and conductors. Refeed of site lighting conductors in existing conduit, conductor size 2#10, 1#10G. Removal and replacement of existing light pole base foundations, including all associated electrical work, site restoration and all materials, labor and equipment as identified on the drawings to complete replacement of light pole bases in lieu of installation of new light poles on existing pole base foundations Twelve (12) month labor and materials warranty inclusive on-site lighting electrical installation from circuit breaker to light fixture 1. Installation of shade landscaping trees throughout parking lot as indicated on drawings. 2. Installation of one shade tree in concrete sidewalk with tree grate. 3. Replacement of existing site lighting mounted on poles throughout parking lot with new LED fixtures and new poles on existing concrete light pole bases. 4. Installation of two new site lighting LED fixtures on new poles and new precast concrete bases. 5. Installation of new power supply to the two new light fixtures. 6. Electrical wiring and testing for lighting replacement. 7. Line striping parking space for ADA accessible van space and installation of sign on metal post. 8. Restoration of disturbed surfaces for all work




Public - County

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work

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196 Bloomfield Ave, Hartford, CT

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