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Published May 2, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a playground / park / athletic field in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Completed plans call for the construction of a playground / park / athletic field; and for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.

Contract Time Information Start Date: May 15, 2022 Final Completion: August 31, 2022 The Engineer's estimate of probable cost is $275,000. The City Council of the City of Cedar Rapids reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities and technicalities, and to enter into such contracts as it deems to be in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to defer acceptance of any proposal for 60 calendar days after the bids have been received and opened. This project is a new public restroom facility for Jones Park in Cedar Rapids, Iowa off of Wilson Ave. It is a 317 gross square foot reinforced CMU block building with a steel frame roof structure and standing seam metal roof. It has a reinforced concrete floor with frost footings around the perimeter. The facility will be fully ADA compliant and will have hollow metal doors and frames, plastic partition doors, insulation, and sealant. The restrooms will include painted trim and metal, and epoxy painted interior walls & ceilings. The ceilings will be exposed wood deck and the floor will be exposed concrete with floor sealer. This project will have typical restroom accessories - mirrors; toilet paper, paper towel and feminine napkin dispensers; and paper towel and feminine napkin disposals. The restrooms will have wall mounted plumbing fixtures - a urinal, toilets, and sinks. It will also be complete with ventilation fans, LED lighting, and limited power distribution. See also Civil, Structural, and Mechanical/ Electrical work plans for additional information. This project will also include demolition and removal of the existing restroom facilitly and all service lines extended to it. All demolition materials shall be removed from the site and properly disposed. Additional Project Information: o There will need to be new ADA signage and posts for each van accessible stall shown. Standard drawings for the striping and signage of the ADA parking stalls have been provided as an attachment. o The existing bumpers surrounding the parking area shall be removed by the Contractor and stacked on site out of the way for disposal by City staff. No new curb stops are needed at this time. o The basis-of-design for the Standing Seam Metal Roof is Firestone Una-Clad Metal Roof panels with all sheet metal closure strips and accessories for complete installation. o Trees that are still standing will stay o Contractor shall remove stumps from trees that have been removed within work area o Sidewalk will be replaced as shown on plans for ADA compliance. If more removal is needed to meet ADA requirements the Contractor will be compensated on a square foot basis o If road closure is needed City staff can pull the chain across the road to block access to the public o The playground will remain opened, so the Contractor shall fence off work area with orange warning fence to ensure safety o Electrical power supply to the restroom shall be run underground from the existing electrical pole located to the northwest of the restroom site at the intersection of the main park roadway and the roadway to the restroom/playground parking lot o Contractorshall be responsible for finish grading and sodding all disturbed areas per applicable SUDAS specification and installation dates o Completion date for the project is indicated to be August 2022; while there is no financial incentive provided for early completion, the City prefers to have the project completed as soon as possible


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

New Construction, Site Work

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April 13, 2022

May 15, 2022


201 Wilson Ave SW, Cedar Rapids, IA

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