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Published August 3, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Dade City, Florida. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

The contract will require contractors to provide for the construction, labor, materials and equipment necessary to construct and install certain master infrastructure improvements relative to the Wiregrass Ranch Boulevard Phase 3B and 4 collector road project, including associated earthwork, stormwater/drainage improvements, water and wastewater systems, roadways, undergrounding/streetlighting, and landscaping, hardscaping and irrigation improvements, and any other associated scopes necessary to complete such improvements, as more particularly described in the Project Manual and in accordance with the plans and specifications. By submitting a proposal, Proposers understand and agree that the project shall be completed within two-hundred and seventy (270) calendar days of issuance of the Notice to Proceed. All Work shall be performed in accordance with the Florida Department of Transportation's "Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction," 2007 Edition, Pasco County Engineering Services Department Testing Specifications for Construction of Roads, Storm Drainage and Utilities and the Pasco County Manual of Standards of Design and Construction of Water, Wastewater and Reclaimed Water Facilities (latest edition), in addition to any and all requirements included in the Project Manual and in accordance with the plans and specifications. Please reach out to the District's Engineer Nicole Lynn at nlynn@ardurra.com for questions regarding the log-in instructions. Failure to attend may preclude a proposer from responding to this Request for Proposals. Proposals will be evaluated in accordance with the criteria included in the Project Manual. The District reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, make modifications to the work, award the contract in whole or in part with or without cause, provide for the delivery of the project in phases, and waive minor or technical irregularities in any Proposal, as it deems appropriate, if it determines in its discretion that it is in the District's best interests to do so. Any protest of the Project Manual, including, but not limited to the terms and specifications must be filed with the District within 72 hours of pickup of the Project Manual, together with a protest bond in a form acceptable to the District and in the amount of $10,000.00. Filing will be perfected and deemed to have occurred upon receipt by the District Manager, Rizzetta & Company, Inc., 5844 Old Pasco Road, Suite 100, Wesley Chapel, Florida 33544. In the event the protest is successful, the protest bond shall be refunded to the protestor. In the event the protest is unsuccessful, the protest bond shall be applied towards the District's costs, expenses and attorneys' fees associated with hearing and defending the protest. Failure to timely file a protest will result in a waiver of proceedings under Chapter 190, Florida Statutes, and other law. No official action will be taken at the meeting. The meeting is open to the public and will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of Florida law including but not limited to Chapter 190, Florida Statutes. A copy of the agenda for the meeting may be obtained from the District Manager. The meeting may be continued in progress without additional notice to a time, date, and location stated on the record. Pursuant to provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act, any person requiring special accommodations to participate in this meeting is asked to advise the District Office at least forty-eight (48) hours before the meeting by contacting Rizzetta & Company, Inc., the District Manager, at (813) 994-1001. If you are hearing or speech impaired, please contact the Florida Relay Service at 1 (800) 955-8770, who can aid you in contacting the District Office. As further described in the Project Manual, each proposer shall supply a bid bond or cashier's check in the sum equal to five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid with its proposal. Proposals shall be in the form provided in the Project Manual and submitted in a sealed envelope pursuant to the Instructions to Proposers. The District reserves the right to return unopened to the Proposer any proposals received after the time and date stipulated above. Each proposal shall remain binding for a minimum of one hundred and twenty (120) days after the proposal opening. The successful Proposer will be required upon award to furnish a payment and performance bond for one hundred percent (100%) of the value of the contract, with a Surety acceptable to the District, in accordance with section 255.05, Florida Statutes. All questions regarding the Project Manual or this project shall be directed in writing only with subject line "WRB Ph 3B & 4 Bid Question" to the District's Engineer Nicole Lynn at nlynn@ardurra.com, with a copy to the Project Manager, Scott Sheridan, at: scott@thewiregrassranch.com, and to District Counsel, Jonathan Johnson, at jonathanj@hgslaw.com by July 29, 2021 at 5:00 P.M. No phone inquiries please. Request for Proposals Wiregrass Ranch Boulevard Phase 3B and 4 Collector Road Project Evaluation Criteria 1. Personnel. (10 Points) (E.g., geographic locations of the firm's headquarters or permanent office in relation to the project; capabilities and experience of key personnel, including the project manager and field supervisor; present ability to appropriately staff and manage this project; evaluation of existing work load; proposed staffing levels, etc.) 2. Proposer's Experience. (20 Points) (E.g. past record and experience of the respondent with Wiregrass II CDD; past record and experience in similar projects and with other CDD's and units of government; volume of work previously performed by the firm; character, integrity, reputation, of respondent, etc.) 3. Understanding of Scope of Work. (10 Points) Extent to which the proposal demonstrates an understanding of the District's needs for the services requested. 4. Financial Capability. (10 Points) Extent to which the proposal demonstrates the adequacy of Proposer's financial resources and stability as a business entity, necessary to complete the services required. 5 Price. (25 Total Points) Points available for price will be allocated as follows: 15 Points will be awarded to the Proposer submitting the lowest cost proposal , (i.e., the summation of the unit price extensions using quantity estimates provided, the allowances shown, plus the proposal contractor's fee) for completing the work. All other proposals will receive a percentage of this amount based upon the difference between the Proposer's bid and the low bid. 10 Points are allocated for the reasonableness of unit prices and balance of bid. 6. Schedule. (25 Points) Points available for schedule will be allocated as follows: 15 Points will be awarded to the Proposer submitting the proposal with the most expedited construction schedule (i.e. the fewest number of days) for completing the work. All other proposals will receive a percentage of this amount based upon the difference between the Proposer's timeline and the most expedited construction schedule. 10 Points will be allocated based on the Proposer's ability to credibly complete the project within the Proposer schedule without a premium cost for accelerated work and demonstrate on-time performance. These points will also take into account the demonstration of Proposer's understanding (through presentation in the proposal of a milestone schedule) of how to meet the required substantial and final completion dates and the delivery approach outlined in the Project Manual. PROJECT APPROVAL#: PDD20-0570 JOB NO: 00046-2018-0160


Roads / Highways


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Multiple Locations, Dade City, FL

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