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Site work for a civil project in Clinton, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Implementation of the Sediment Removal at South Meadow Pond/Stage 2 Final Cover at the South Meadow Road Landfill project and associated activities, Clinton, Massachusetts Sealed envelopes containing bids must be clearly marked in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. At the discretion of the Chief Procurement Officer, the bid opening may be held in an on-line venue open to the public. The work for the Sediment Removal portion of the project will consist of removal of sediments impacted by arsenic and iron from the south side of South Meadow Pond, including the following: - Installation of temporary dams and dewatering of approximately 5.5 acres. - Removal of approximately two feet of sediment and soil containing iron and arsenic from the dewatered sections of the Pond. - Dewatering, and conditioning if necessary, of the removed sediment, and transporting it to the adjacent Clinton Landfill for disposal. - Treatment of the liquid obtained from dewatering and conditioning of the sediments in a temporary on-site facility, and discharging treated water back to the Pond. - Installation of gravel containment berms around areas of groundwater seepage. - Restoration of impacted wetland and upland areas. The work for the Stage 2 Final Cover project will consist of approximately 9.5 acres of geosynthetic and soil final cover including, but not limited to, the following: - Preparation of site and installation of subgrade. - Furnish and install 40-mil textured linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) geomembrane barrier layer. - Furnish and install geocomposite drainage layer. - Furnish and install vegetative support/protective soil layer. - Furnish and install access roads on, and on the perimeter of, the Landfill. - Furnish and install grass seed. - Furnish and install storm water control structures The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities in or to reject any and all bids if it deems it to be in the public interest to do so. The Owner also reserves the right to disqualify any bids based on the information provided in the experience statement. The Chief Procurement Officer subject to the approval of the Board of Selectmen, will select the lowest responsive, responsible and eligible bidder(s) and a contract(s) shall be awarded accordingly, unless in the judgment of the Chief Procurement Officer and the Board of Selectmen it shall be in the interest of the Town to reject any and all bids.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

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31 S Meadow Rd, Clinton, MA

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