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Published January 12, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Burlington, North Carolina. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Scope of Work: This project includes renovations for security vestibules at three schools. They are as follows: Andrews Elementary School, Career & Tech Educational (CTE) Center, and Harvey R. Newlin Elementary School. The scope of work for the project is as follows: 1. Renovations: Renovations consist of front office reconfiguration and renovation, and entrance canopy replacement. The projects are located at the following addresses: R. Homer Andrews ES - 2630 Buckingham Road, Burlington, NC 27217 CTE Center - 2550 Buckingham Road, Burlington, NC 27217 Harvey R. Newlin ES- 316 Carden Street, Burlington, NC 27217. Renovations: i. Andrews ES, located at 2630 Buckingham Rd., Burlington, NC 27217 - Using aluminum storefront and security glazing, create a security vestibule with a sliding security window for visitor sign-in. Casework will be provided. Proposed doors include aluminum storefront doors and hollow metal frames with wood doors. Provide a walkway cover to primary entrance to the school. ii. CTE Center, located at 2550 Buckingham Rd., Burlington, NC 27217 - Reconfigure existing aluminum storefront entrance with new components to create a security vestibule with a sliding security window for visitor sign-in. All proposed doors shall be aluminum storefront doors. iii. Harvey R. Newlin ES, located at 316 Carden St., Burlington, NC 27217 - Using aluminum storefront and security glazing, create a security vestibule with a sliding security window for visitor sign-in. Casework will be provided. Proposed doors include aluminum storefront doors and hollow metal frames with wood doors. Provide a walkway cover to primary entrance to the school.




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