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Published June 1, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

https://www.gwinnettdailypost.com/news/interstate-285-i-20-east-overhaul-nearing-final-approval/article_04ec4c5e-eeac-54d1-8fd6-6c46b31762f1.html Interstate 285/I-20 East overhaul nearing final approval A State Transportation Board committee voted Wednesday to approve an agreement with a roadbuilding consortium to redesign the interchange of interstates 285 and 20 east of Atlanta. The $685.5 million project is aimed at smoothing traffic flow through an interchange rated as the nation’s 25th worst bottleneck last year. The overhaul will include reconstructing ramps to create more direct alignments, adding new collector-distributor and auxiliary lanes, replacing several bridges and erecting new noise barriers. The work will be done by East Interchange Builders, the consortium the board selected for the project last month. The lead partners are Archer Western Construction and E.R. Snell, two of Georgia’s leading highway contractors. Representatives of the Georgia Department of Transportation (DOT) and East Interchange Builders have been negotiating the agreement during the last month. It will be a design-build-finance contract, the same model that was used to build the Northwest Corridor toll lanes along I-75 and I-575 in Cobb and Cherokee counties and in the ongoing overhaul of the I-285/Georgia 400 interchange. Under the terms of the contract, the consortium will design and construct the project, then turn it over to be managed by the DOT, Meg Pirkle, the agency’s chief engineer, told members of the board committee with jurisdiction over projects built through public-private partnerships. “They are [also] solely responsible for the financing of the project,” she said. Certain contingencies could drive up the cost of the work either for the consortium or the DOT. Under the contract, the consortium could be assessed penalties for missing project deadlines or for unanticipated lane closures during construction. The DOT would pick up any additional costs of construction materials. The full State Transportation Board is expected to approve the contract on Thursday. Construction is scheduled to begin in the middle of next year, with completion in late 2026. ____________________________________________________________ The PNA is for Right of Way (ROW) Acquisition Services for; I-285 at I-20 West Side Interchange Reconstruction and Widening and I-75 From I-475 TO SR 155-Commercial Vehicle Lanes. To provide professional services for the Office of Innovative Delivery on two (2) project specific Right of Way (ROW) Acquisition Services contracts. Scope of work anticipated may include, but not limited to, Right of Way (ROW) Project Management, ROW Cost Estimate, Assist with ROW Plan Development, Pre-Acquisition Services, Valuation Services, Relocation Assistance, Acquisition Services, and Property Management Services. At this meeting the Department will provide information about the project's delivery goals, anticipated scope, and schedule. Participants will be allowed the opportunity to ask questions during this meeting; however, any information provided by Department shall be considered as informational only and is subject to change. Please register for the Mandatory Virtual Industry Forum by submitting your email address to the Transportation Services Procurement contact listed below. Questions in reference to the Virtual Industry Forum can be sent via email to OIDGEC@dot.ga.gov. GDOT reserves the right to modify this schedule at any time in its sole discretion. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


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RFP - Right of Way (ROW) Acquisition Services for I-285 at I-20 West Side Interchange Reconstruction and Widening and I-75 From I-475 TO SR 155-Commercial Vehicle Lanes

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