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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Norwalk, Iowa. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Construction of the GOLDEN VALLEY DRIVE IMPROVEMENTS WAKONDA DRIVE TO LAKEWOOD DRIVE including all materials, labor and equipment necessary for the installation of approximately: 500 CY of Earthwork, 150 LF of Storm Sewer, 7 EA of Storm Intakes, 1,000 LF water main, 3,500 SY of 7" PCC Paving, 700 SY of Driveway, 1,100 SY of Sidewalks/Trail Paving, clearing and grubbing, erosion control, surface restoration, and miscellaneous related work and appurtenances The City of Norwalk reserves the right to reject any and/or all bids and to waive any and/or all technicalities and/or all irregularities and enter into such contract, or contracts, as it shall deem to be in the best interest of the City. Each bidder shall accompany its bid with bid security as defined in Iowa Code Section 26.8, as security that the successful bidder will enter into a contract for the work bid upon and will furnish after the award of contract a corporate surety bond, in a form acceptable to the City, for the faithful performance of the contract and guaranteeing payment to all persons supplying labor and/or materials in the execution of the work provided for in the contract, in an amount equal to 100% of the amount of the contract. Additionally, the bidder must provide the City with a guarantee of maintenance of said improvement for a period of four (4) years from the time of acceptance by the City. The bidder's security shall be in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid and shall be in the form of a cashier's check or a certified check drawn on an FDIC insured bank in Iowa or on an FDIC insured bank chartered under the laws of the United States; or a certified share draft drawn on a credit union in Iowa or chartered under the laws of the United States; or a bid bond on the form provided in the contract documents with corporate surety satisfactory to the City. The bid shall contain no condition except as provided in the specifications Project shall be substantially completed (all utility work, grading, paving, surface restoration, etc.) = November 1, 2024 Final Project Completion Date (Final surface restoration) = May 28, 2025 Liquidated damages in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per day will be assessed for each day that the work remains uncompleted after the end of the contract period. At the above time and place all bids received by the City will be opened and tabulated with the results being reported to the Norwalk City Council at their meeting on Thursday, March 7, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at which time the Council may take action on the proposals submitted or at such time as may then be fixed. If you are someone who has a question or would like to have public comment presented at the City Council meeting, please submit the form below by 2:00 pm on the Wednesday before the scheduled council meeting and email it to: or drop it off at the City Clerk's Office drop box at 705 North Ave. Forms must be received by Wednesday, March 6, 2024 at 2:00 pm to ensure they can be distributed for the City Council meeting. Arrangements have also been made for residents to attend virtually via zoom: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 836 6246 8225 One tap mobile +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) Please contact the City Clerk's office at 515-981-0228 ext. 2230 or text the City Manager, Luke Nelson, at 515-493-9971 if there are questions or electronic accessibility issues.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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Golden Valley Dr, Norwalk, IA

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