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Published September 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a power facility in Kahlotus, Washington. Completed plans call for the renovation of a power facility; and for site work for a power facility.

Award Details Contract Award Date: Sep 06, 2022 Contract Award Number: W912EF22C0009 Task/Delivery Order Number: Contractor Awarded Unique Entity ID: Contractor Awarded Name: EC Comany Contractor Awarded Address: Portland, OR 97210 USA Base and All Options Value (Total Contract Value): $10495846.00 Amendment 0002 posted on 19 May 2022. Amendment 0001 posted on 5 May 2022. Site Visit date has been changed. See amendment 0001. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Walla Walla District intends to issue a construction solicitation for a project titled Lower Monumental Navigation Lock Power and Controls Upgrade. The work will take place at Lower Monumental Dam in Franklin County, Washington. Lower Monumental Lock and Dam is a hydroelectric, concrete, run-of-the river dam located on the Snake River in southeast Washington; Six miles south of Kahlotus and 43 miles north of Walla Walla. Construction of the Lock and Dam was completed in 1969. The existing navigation lock electrical unit substation, switchgear, transformers, and motor control centers are original to the dam and have been operating for over 55 years. The equipment has far exceeded the typical equipment service life and needs to be replaced. The age of the equipment has made procuring replacement parts difficult. Operation and maintenance of the equipment remains more hazardous to workers due to the age and arc flash category rating of the equipment. Failure of the electrical system could impact the operation of the lock which would ultimately affect navigation on the Snake River. This project will replace the existing navigation lock electrical power system, associated controls, and provide a new modern HMI screen depicting breaker position. To reduce the impact to river traffic, an extended outage will be provided for this project. The work window in the extended outage is expected to be 5-9 weeks. All work must be complete in order to return the Navlock to service. Management of the construction schedule is critical to completion of this project on time. Any delays to reopen is a significant impact to the Navigation Industry. The main features of work include: 1. Provide new upstream and downstream medium voltage switchgear LSP1 and LSP2. 2. Provide new 4,160-V motor control for existing unwatering pumps. 3. Provide upstream and downstream low voltage switchgear LSQ1 and LSQ2. 4. Provide new Motor Control Center (MCC) LSQ1.A, LSQ2.A, LSQ2.B. 5. Provide new controls for existing electrical loads. 6. Provide two (2) new 4,160/480-V 1,500 kVA transformers. 7. Provide lighting load centers to replace existing panels. 8. Provide all new feeders that are currently fed from LSQ1 and LSQ2 equipment. 9. Provide LSP1 and LSP2 4,160-V feeders connecting the station service switchgear. 10. Provide new concrete housekeeping pads for new electrical equipment. 11. Provide new cable tray and conduits where required by circuit reconfigurations and to bring fill ratios to levels that meet national electrical codes. 12. Provide a full redundant emergency feed to switchgear LSQ1 and LSQ2 through the use of a main-tie-main configuration. 13. Provide HMI screens to replace the existing annunciator panel for LSP1, LSP2 and control room. 14. Provide new lighting for both LSP1 and LSP2 substation rooms. 15. Grade existing LSP1 and LSP2 concrete floors to allow for positive flow to existing floor drains. 16. Replace in kind the existing environmental controls and equipment in both LSP1 and LSP2 substation rooms. 17. Install air quality filters for the inlet flow of both switchgear rooms. 18. Provide Heating, Ventilating, and Air-conditioning systems serving the substation rooms with temperature and humidity control. 19. Replace the existing doors for both up and downstream substation rooms. 20. Seal the road deck above both substation rooms. 21. Install new drop ceiling in the breakroom. 22. Demolish the existing switchgear, motor controls centers, and transformers making up the LSP1 and LSP2 lineup. 23. Demolish the existing feeders routed from LSQ1 and LSQ2 switchgear and motor control centers. 24. Demolish the existing medium-voltage feeders supporting the existing lock unwatering pumps number 1 and 2. 25. Demolish lighting in both LSP1 and LSP2 substation rooms. 26. Demolish existing mechanical environmental controls and equipment in LSP1 and LSP2 substation rooms. 27. Demolish the existing breakroom ceiling and light fixtures. The solicitation will be issued as a Best Value Trade-Off (BVTO) Request for Proposals (RFP) and result in a single firm fixed-price construction contract. This procurement is unrestricted. Competition is open to both large and small business concerns. A small business subcontracting plan is required for large business. 100% performance and payment bonds will be required for this project. The NAICS code for this procurement is 238210 Electrical Contractors and Other Wiring Installation Contractors. The small business size standard is $16.5 million. The magnitude of construction is estimated to be between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000. The solicitation is expected to be made available for download on the sam.gov Contract Opportunities website in April 2022. Offerors are responsible for checking the referenced page for any updates to the Notice. The Government is not responsible for any loss of Internet connectivity or for an offeror's inability to access the documents posted at the referenced website. Proposals will be due approximately 30 days after the solicitation is posted. The exact proposal due date will be indicated in the solicitation. System for Award Management (SAM): Offerors must register in the SAM at https://sam.gov/content/home prior to receiving an award. Point of contact for this procurement is David Boone, Contract Specialist at 509.527.7227 or david.c.boone@usace.army.mil. THE GOVERNMENT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO CANCEL THE SOLICITATION EITHER BEFORE OR AFTER THE CLOSING DATE. NO REIMBURSEMENT WILL BE MADE FOR ANY COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH PROVIDING INFORMATION IN RESPONSE TO THIS PRE-SOLICITATION NOTICE OR ANY FOLLOW-UP INFORMATION REQUEST. All on-site work shall be performed in accordance with the Corps of Engineers Safety and Health Requirements Manual (EM 385-1-1). The Contractor will be responsible for establishing and managing an effective on-site Safety and Health program in accordance with EM 385-1-1 that will require the development and submission of a comprehensive project specific Accident Prevention Plan for Government acceptance. In addition, the Contractor will be required to develop and submit for Government acceptance Activity Hazard Analyses for each phase of work and a project specific Fall Protection Plan that comply with EM 385-1-1. A Site Safety and Health Officer (SSHO) employed by the prime contractor shall be required for each shift of the contractor's on-site operations. The SSHO shall possess a minimum of 5-years of experience in construction safety on similar projects, shall have completed the 30-Hour OSHA Construction Safety training within the last 5-years, and shall have completed at least 24-hours of formal safety training each year for the past 5-years. The contractor will be required to perform the on-site work in compliance with Government Safe Clearance/Hazardous Energy Control Procedures. Prior to commencing on-site work, the contractor will be required to complete applicable safe clearance training for all personnel working in areas involved with Hazardous Energy Control. The project will involve the development and management of Contractor furnished submittals for items such as pre-construction plans, product data, test reports, and contract close-out documentation as required by the technical specifications of the contract. Bidder Inquiry is a web-site that allows bidders to post questions regarding the solicitation and view all questions by other bidders and responses by USACE. Bidder Inquiry can be accessed through ProjNet at (https://www.projnet.org) *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Hydroelectric Power Generation


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5220 Devils Canyon Rd, Kahlotus, WA

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