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Published April 27, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a civil project in Lakefield, Minnesota. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

Project has been Rebid. https://www.dglobe.com/incoming/7250997-Lawmakers-hear-funding-proposals-at-Minnesota-Wests-Worthington-campus Lakefield infrastructure improvement project The city of Lakefield's bonding request deals with a series of projects related to water and road infrastructure. Lakefield's wastewater permit through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency includes a compliance schedule, the constraints of which the city currently faces. The first requirement is the addition of a reverse osmosis system, which will remove water softeners and chlorides from the wastewater stream. The second project concerns improvements to the wastewater treatment facility in order to update the aging infrastructure and better remove contaminants from the wastewater. Funding will also go toward some consumer maintenance service replacements throughout town to eliminate significant inflow and infiltration from the sanitary sewer system. "Far more than what is on this [presentation] needs to be done," said Brian Rossow, city clerk, during his presentation to the capital investment committee. "We had to pick the worst ones to start with, because it was just not affordable to do all of the repairs that need to be done." Additionally, the city of Lakefield is seeking funds for the complete reconstruction of Minnesota 86, including sewer trunk and service replacements, which Rossow called a "daunting task." "It's pretty scary for the community because that's our main lifeline in and out of town for our residents," said Rossow. The current estimate for the Minnesota 86 project has increased from $1.15 million in March to a recent updated estimate of $1.77 million in October. Rossow stated that if trends continue, the bids for that are likely going to be even higher. The original total project estimate was about $14 million, of which Lakefield asked for a 50% match from the state, for a bonding request of $7 million. Bids on the other projects are also expected to be higher than initially projected. Current project costs are a little over $20 million, with additional funding in the form of loans and grants. "So why fund this project" Rossow asked of the committee. "First of all, we're out of time." This project has been underway for the past five years in Lakefield, which is facing a compliance date of 2023 for their wastewater permit. Rossow also cites environmental concerns and lack of affordability for the current community in Lakefield as reasons for the state to invest in their infrastructure improvement project. "We've been fortunate to see population growth over the last census period, but that won't be sustained," said Rossow. "We'll see decline if we have to increase taxes and utility rates to run an increasing cost project." Lakefield currently sits at number two on the project priority list, just behind Aurora, after being number one for several years. ________________________________________________ The Work consists of replacing in kind the grit system, the oxidation ditch equipment, and the final clarifier equipment; replacing pumps for the raw wastewater, WAS/RAS, scum, and sludge load out; replacing the raw wastewater force main, final clarifier cover, backup generator, heaters; retrofitting existing sludge storage to an aerobic digester; insulating and siding masonry block building. The opening and reading of the Bids may be modified subject to COVID-19 preventative measures. Bids will be received for a single prime Contract. Bids shall be on a lump sum basis, as indicated in the Bid Form. Bid security shall be furnished in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders. A Contractor responding to these Bidding Documents must submit to the Owner a signed statement under oath by an owner or officer verifying compliance with each of the minimum criteria in Minnesota Statutes, section 16C.285, subdivision 3. Funding Source PFA - Water Infrastructure Fund: The work shall be subject to minimum wages and labor standards in accordance with the State of Minnesota. Funding Source USDA - Rural Development: Section 746 of Title VII of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2017 (Division A - Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2017) and subsequent statutes mandating domestic preference applies an American Iron and Steel requirement to this project. All parties are required to comply with these requirements and to ensure that all iron and steel products used in this project must be produced in the United States. The term "iron and steel products" means the following products made primarily of iron or steel: lined or unlined pipes and fittings, manhole covers and other municipal castings, hydrants, tanks, flanges, pipe clamps and restraints, valves, structural steel, reinforced precast concrete, and construction materials." The deminimis and minor components waiver apply to this contract. The nation-wide waiver regarding the following products apply to this contract: (1) Stainless Steel Nuts and Bolts; and (2) Pig Iron and Direct Reduced Iron. Bidding Documents may be examined at the office of the City Clerk, City of Lakefield, 301 Main Street, Lakefield, MN 56150, on Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

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MN 86, Lakefield, MN

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