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Published July 29, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Draper, Utah. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

This Request for Proposals having been determined to be the appropriate procurement method to provide the best value to the Conducting Procurement Unit, is designed to provide interested Offerors with sufficient basic information to submit proposals. This Request for Proposals is issued in accordance with the Utah Procurement Code and applicable administrative rules of the Utah Administrative Code. If any provision of this RFP conflicts with the Utah Procurement Code or Utah Administrative Code, then the Utah Procurement Code or Utah Administrative Code will take precedence. It is not intended to limit a proposals content or exclude any relevant or essential data. Offerors are at liberty and are encouraged to expand upon the specifications to evidence service capability. SCOPE A. Includes - 1. Furnish all labor, materials, and equipment necessary for the completion of the mechanical and plumbing scope of work. 2. Furnish and install all motors specified in this Division and be responsible for the proper operation of electrical powered equipment furnished by this Division. 3. Furnish exact location of electrical connections and information on motor controls to Division 26. 4. Mechanical Contractor shall obtain the services of independent Test and Balance Agency. 5. Placing the air conditioning, heating, ventilating, and exhaust systems into full operation and continuing their operation during each working day of testing and balancing. 6. Making changes in pulleys, belts, and dampers, or adding dampers, as required for the correct balance as recommended by Balancing Contractor at no additional cost to Owner. 7. Air balance, final adjustment and test run. 8. The satisfactory performance of the completed systems is a requirement of this specification The Work of Project is defined by the Contract Documents and consists of the following The Work includes all of the work of Divisions 01 thru 33 for the remodeling to the American Preparatory Academy Draper 2 Campus, located in Draper, Utah.




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11938 Lone Peak Pkwy, Draper, UT

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