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Published August 26, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Terrell, Texas. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

State funding has been authorized by the State of Texas and administered by the Texas State Soil & Water Conservation Board through the Flood Control Structural Repair Grant Program to provide financial assistance for conducting structural repairs on flood control dams as defined by Texas Administrative Code, Title 31, Chapter 529, Subchapter B, as amended. The Project site is in Elmo, Texas approximately 7 miles east of Terrell, Texas. The reservoir impoundment is locally referred to as New Terrell Lake. This proposed rehabilitation Project consists of improvements and repair of the existing earthen embankment and structural spillways. Major Project work includes the raising of the dam crest by 5 to 6 feet, the filling and flattening of the downstream slope with general fill and lime-treated fill to a 3H:1V slope ratio, the replacement of the upstream stone riprap, the construction of a new principal spillway tower, conduit and impact basin, the replacement of the existing structural spillway, widening and improvements to the auxiliary spillway, construction of a new raw water pipeline, and the installation of internal drainage piping along the dam toe and structures. The work will require approximately: 56,000 cubic yards of common excavation; 105,000 cubic yards of earthfill; 57,000 cubic yards of lime treated earthfill; 194,000 square yards of topsoil, 221 feet of 60-inch principal spillway conduit, 3,110 cubic yards of concrete; 429,000 pounds of reinforcing steel; 28,000 tons of rock riprap; 2,660 cubic yards of drainfill; 1,510 square yards of block-face, MSE retaining wall; 2,600 cubic yards of gravel road base; 800 linear feet of chain-link fence; 16,000 linear feet of barbed-wire fence; and 96 acres of vegetation. Soil disturbing activities will include: constructing the access; excavating and placing earth fill on the embankment crest, downstream slope, wave berm and upstream (back) slope; placing rock riprap on the wave berm; stripping and excavating of borrow areas; disposing of waste materials; and grading, shaping, and replacing topsoil. Construction will require care-of-water and the installation and removal of a cofferdam system. Estimate: $10,000,000.00 to $15,000,000.00 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. Cedar Creek Watershed of the Trinity River Watershed, Texas

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Water / Sewer


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August 25, 2021

October 25, 2021


To Be Determined, Terrell, TX

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