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Published April 23, 2024 at 8:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
Site work for a playground / park / athletic field in New York, New York. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field.
CONTRACT NUMBER B192-121M B192-121M_MM_202304040845_LAN SCOPE OF WORK: The typical work under these three (3) items will consist of all provisions necessary for maintenance and protection of traffic in conjunction with contract work as follows: TYPE A: Street excavations for utilities, including water taps and connections to subsurface utilities. TYPE B: Construction of sidewalks and/or street pavements or curbs. Also shall include work described under TYPE A, above. TYPE C: Major malls, traffic triangles and/or public street constructions typically involving street closures, reconfigurations and repaving. Also shall include work described under TYPE A and TYPE B, above. TYPES A, B, and C: Keep the surface of all pavement used by the public free and clean of all dirt, debris, stones, timbers, or other obstructions to provide a safe travelled way. 911 2/4 Furnish, erect and place approved signs and cones for the directing of traffic, danger signs for curves, narrow pavement and other dangerous locations, and road closure signs. Provide watchmen and flagmen as may be necessary in the opinion of the Engineer for the protection of traffic. TYPES B and C: Furnish and erect barricades which shall be adequately lighted at night and on which red danger lights shall be displayed where needed. Furnish and erect temporary barricades and guide railing at points of hazard. TYPE C: Provide concrete 'jersey barriers', as necessary. Provide detours in street as necessary to reroute traffic Bid Results: JPL Proposal # 1 J PIZZIRUSSO LANDSCAPING CORP 4,619,250.00 VHCC Proposal #1 VERNON HILLS CONTRACTING CORP 4,627,122.41 DBC Proposal # 1 DEBORAH BRADLEY CONSTRUCTION AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES INC 4,663,279.21 AAH Proposal # 1 AAH CONSTRUCTION CORP 4,880,890.00 Proposal # 1 CP PERMA PAVING CONSTRUCTION INC 4,115,577.63 Proposal # 1 B192-121M LAWS Construction Corp LAWS CONSTRUCTION CORP. 4,058,587.00 B192-121M_Singh Landscaping Proposal SINGH LANDSCAPING & LAWN SPRINKLER CORP 4,322,101.00 84623B0020 - B192-121M JRCRUZ CORP 4,595,525.00
Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields
Public - City
Site Work
Trades Specified
Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum
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Colonial Rd & 83rd St, New York, NY
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