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Published January 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, renovation and addition to an educational facility in Parkville, Maryland. Completed plans call for the addition of a educational facility; for the demolition of a educational facility; for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

All bidders shall be pre-qualified by Baltimore County Department of Public Works (BCDPW), Contracts Division, as follows: 1. Package 1A - Testing & Inspections No prequalification required 2. Package 2A - Sitework Category "A" Highway Construction/ Traffic, Classification Number 1 (Concrete) Category "B" Grading Category "E" Curb & Miscellaneous Appurtenances Category "F" Utilities, Classification Number 1 (Sanitary Sewers) Category "F" Utilities, Classification Number 2 (Water Mains) Category "F" Utilities, Classification Number 3 (Storm Drains) 3. Package 3A - Concrete No prequalification required 4. Package 4A - Masonry No prequalification required 5. Package 5A - Steel No prequalification required 6. Package 6A - General Construction Category "I", Buildings, Classification Number 1 (Construction) 7. Package 7A - Roofing Category "I", Buildings, Classification Number 6 (Roofing) 8. Package 8A - Windows and Storefronts No prequalification required 9. Package 9A - Walls and Ceilins No prequalification required 10. Package 9D - Flooring No prequalification required 11. Package 9E - Painting No prequalification required 12. Package 15A - Mechanical Category "I", Buildings, Classification Number 5 (Mechanical) 13. Package 16A - Electrical Category "I", Buildings, Classification Number 4 (Electrical) 1. Package 1 A - Testing & Inspections Overall MBE Goal of 5 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 0 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 0 % from certified Women owned businesses 2. Package 2A - Sitework Overall MBE Goal of 29 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 8 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 11 % from certified Women owned businesses 3. Package 3A - Concrete Overall MBE Goal of 20 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 0 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 0 % from certified Women owned businesses 4. Package 4A - Masonry Overall MBE Goal of 24 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 0 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 0 % from certified Women owned businesses 5. Package 5A - Steel Overall MBE Goal of 25 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 0 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 0 % from certified Women owned businesses 6. Package 6A - General Construction Overall MBE Goal of 29 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 8 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 11 % from certified Women owned businesses 7. Package 7A - Roofing Overall MBE Goal of 27 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 0 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 0 % from certified Women owned businesses 8. Package 8A - Windows and Storefronts Overall MBE Goal of 24 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 0 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 0 % from certified Women owned businesses 9. Package 9A - Walls and Ceilings Overall MBE Goal of 26 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 0 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 0 % from certified Women owned businesses 10. Package 9D - Flooring Overall MBE Goal of 24 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 0 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 0 % from certified Women owned businesses 11. Package 9E - Painting Overall MBE Goal of 22 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 0 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 0 % from certified Women owned businesses 12. Package 15A - Mechanical Overall MBE Goal of 29 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 8 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 11 % from certified Women owned businesses 13. Package 16A - Electrical Overall MBE Goal of 29 % of the total contract value Subgoal of 8 % from certified African American owned businesses Subgoal of 11 % from certified Women owned businesses The Baltimore County Department of Public Works' cost group for this project is as follows: 1 1A Testing & Inspections Cost Group A (less than $ 100,000) 2 2A Sitework Cost Group E ($2,500,000 - $5,000,000) 3 3A Concrete Cost Group B ($100,000 - $500,000) 4 4A Masonry Cost Group C ($500,000 - $1,000,000) 5 5A Steel Cost Group C ($500,000 - $1,000,000) 6 6A General Construction Cost Group F ($5,000,000 - $10,000,000) 7 7A Roofing Cost Group C ($500,000 - $1,000,000) 8 8A Windows & Storefronts Cost Group C ($500,000 - $1,000,000) 9 9A Walls & Ceilings Cost Group E ($2,500,000- $5,000,000) 10 9D Flooring Cost Group D ($1,000,000 - $2,500,000) 11 9E Painting Cost Group B ($100,000 - $500,000) 12 15A Mechanical Cost Group F ($5,000,000 - $10,000,000) 13 16A Electrical Cost Group F ($5,000,000 - $10,000,000) The Board of Education of Baltimore County reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive informalities.




Public - County

Addition, Demolition, Renovation, Site Work

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9200 Old Harford Rd, Parkville, MD

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