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Published June 30, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Ottawa, Ontario. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Reference Number : 1611832 Review Title : Phase 4 / S-77 Section D, Stone Conservation (21-58015) 21-58015 Phase 4 / S-77 Section D, Stone Conservation The National Research Council of Canada, 100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, ON has a request for a project that includes: To supply all labour, equipment and materials required for mortar removal and replacement, stone repair and stone reset at 100 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario ), at parapet level, as specified and shown on the drawings, as required and as follows: .1 Remove stones that are flaking or blistering (blisters) and smooth them the borders. .2 Clean walls, site and repaired grounds to the satisfaction of the consultant. .3 Repoint mortar joints. .4 Repair damaged stones using restoration grade mortar. Use a color mix as needed to match the existing stone color. .5 Repair stone cracks using injection grout. .6 Restore stones to maintain wall plane. .7 Install suitable anchors. GENERAL Address any questions regarding any aspect of the project to the Departmental Representative (or his representative) or the Contracting Officer. They are the only ones authorized to provide answers. No account will be taken of information obtained from anyone other than the Departmental Representative (or his representative) or the Contracts Officer, both when the contract is awarded and during the work. Companies wishing to submit bids for this project should obtain the tender documents by contacting the Buyandsell.gc.ca service provider AGAO. If addenda are added, they will be distributed by Achasetventes.gc.ca AGAO. Firms that choose to prepare their bids on the basis of tender documents from other sources do so at their own risk and will be required to notify the Tender Authority of their intention to tender. Tender packages may not be released on the day of bid closing. Due to COVID-19, we are taking additional measures to protect you and our employees during site visits. To allow the NRC to prepare for the site visits, all bidders are requested to pre-register preferably 48 hours before the date of the site visit and identify their preferred date for the site visit. Please register by sending an e-mail to Collin.Long@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca Bidders must provide contact information for the person who will be attending: name, e-mail address and telephone number, e-mail address and telephone. During site visits, to limit contacts and risks: Bidders will sanitize their hands at the hand sanitizer station. Bidders will be asked to sign the participation form. It is the responsibility of all submitters to verify the information on the entry form. The site visit will be conducted with a maximum of four (4) bidders at a time. Each group will have approximately 20 minutes to examine the site. The site visit will continue with the next group of four (4) bidders until each has had an opportunity to examine the site. On-site visits may take longer than usual, so plan for longer meeting time. Physical distancing: keeping a distance of at least 2 arms (about 2 meters) from others may not always be possible at all times, therefore the use of disposable masks provided by the NRC to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID -19 is mandatory. Bidders must not impede safe access to the facility either when entering or leaving the facility. Depending on the number of pre-registrations expected, the NRC may decide to schedule times for each group of four (4) bidders. The schedule of your on-site visit will be confirmed by email by the NRC departmental representative during pre-registration. This time will replace the meeting time for the site visit indicated above. Proposals submitted by bidders who did not attend the site visit or who did not submit their identification and contact details during the site visit will be considered non-compliant. At the closing of the call for tenders, the results of the call for tenders will be sent by e-mail to all contractors who have submitted a call for tenders. MANDATORY SECURITY CRITERIA FOR CONTRACTORS MANDATORY SECURITY REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor must hold at all times, during the performance of the Standing Contract, a valid Designated Organization Verification (VOD) clearance issued by the Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD) of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC). Contractor personnel requiring access to restricted work facilities must ALL hold a current RELIABILITY STATUS issued or approved by CISD/PWGSC. The entrepreneur must comply with the provisions: Security Requirements Check List and security guide (if applicable), located at Annex D of the Industrial Security Manual (latest edition) https://www.tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca/esc-src/msi-ism/index-eng.html SECURITY CLEARANCE VERIFICATION AT BID CLOSING The Bidder must hold a current Designated Organization Verification (VOD) clearance issued by the Canadian Industrial Security Directorate (CISD) of Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC) AND MUST INCLUDE IT WITH THEIR BID OR MAKE FOLLOW WITHIN 48 HOURS OF TENDER CLOSING DATE AND TIME. Verifications will be made through CISD to confirm the Bidder's security clearance. Failure to comply with this requirement will render the bid non-compliant and the bid will be rejected. The general contractor must name all of its sub-contractors within 72 hours of the closing of tenders, and they must also hold a valid VOD certificate and submit the names, dates of birth or security certificate numbers of all the people who will be assigned to the project. It should be noted that subcontractors who are required to perform tasks during the performance of the resulting contract must also meet the mandatory security requirements of the contract. In addition, no one who does not have the required level of security will be admitted to the site. The successful bidder will be responsible for ensuring that security requirements are met throughout the performance of the contract. The Crown will not be held responsible for any delays or any additional costs associated with the Contractor's failure to comply with security requirements. Failure to meet these requirements shall be sufficient to terminate the contract for breach. For any questions regarding security requirements during the bidding period, bidders should contact the Security Officer @ 613-993-8956. WSIB (WORKPLACE SAFETY AND INSURANCE BOARD) All bidders must provide a valid WSIB certification with their bid or prior to contract award. PROCUREMENT OMBUDSMAN Clause for Bid Documents and Rejection Letters for Unsuccessful Bidders. The Office of the Procurement Ombudsman (OPO) was established by the Government of Canada to provide Canadian bidders with an independent means of lodging complaints related to the award of contracts under $25,300. $ for goods and less than $101,100 for services. If you have any concerns about the award of a federal government contract below these thresholds, please contact the OPO by email at , by phone at 1-866-734-5169 , or through the website at . For more information, including the services offered, please visit . Contract Clauses - Dispute Resolution Services The parties agree to make all reasonable efforts, in good faith, to settle amicably any dispute or claim arising out of the contract by negotiations between the representatives of the parties having authority to settle a dispute. If the parties fail to reach an agreement within 10 business days, each party consents to fully participate in the dispute resolution process conducted by the Procurement Ombudsman, pursuant to Section 22.1(3)(d) of the Act. on the Department of Public Works and Government Services and Section 23 of the Procurement Ombudsman Regulations, and to pay the costs thereof. The Office of the Procurement Ombudsman can be reached by telephone at 1-866-734-5169, by email at boa.opo@boa-opo.gc.ca, or through his website at www.opo-boa.gc.ca. Contract Clause - Contract Administration The parties acknowledge that the Procurement Ombudsman appointed under subsection 22.1(1) of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act will review a complaint made by the Complainant regarding the administration of the Contract if the requirements of subsection 22.2(1) of the Department of Public Works and Government Services Act and sections 15 and 16 of the Procurement Ombudsman Regulations have been met. The Office of the Procurement Ombudsman can be reached by telephone at 1-866-734-5169, by email at boa.opo@boa-opo.gc.ca, or through his website at www.opo-boa.gc.ca for filing a complaint. The departmental representative responsible or his representative: Benoit Huot Benoit.Huot@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca Phone: 613-808-3650 Contracting Authority: Collin Long Collin.Long@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca




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