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Published July 28, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a municipal facility in Old Bridge, New Jersey. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Township of Old Bridge is seeking proposals for the repair to the Township's John Piccolo Ice Arena Chiller Compressor Control Panel Repair. All hardware and/or licensing required shall be included with the proposal. Provide repair services to the existing Automated Logic ice rink chiller compressor control panel and associated wiring repair for necessary components. Existing building automation control system and current basis of design to remain as-is. Provide WebCTRL v8.0 software update to the existing Automated Logic BMS software license as well as any associated updates to graphics. Vendor shall provide and install the following components to the existing WebCTRL: 1. Safe-off and Demo existing M-Line Controllers in panel. 2. Provide and install new OptiFlex BACnet Building Control or Equiv. (1) 3. Provide and install OFBBC Flex I/O expansion modules or Equiv. (2) 4. Provide and install low voltage power supply (1) 5. Rework and connect existing control points to new controllers. 6. Rework and connect existing ethernet cable to new router for network connection 7. Reuse existing BMS panel cabinet and equipment end-devices. Provide start-up testing and recommissioning to existing chiller sequence. Any and all questions must be submitted via email to: purchasing@oldbridge.com. The Contractor shall coordinate all scheduling of work with the Township. For public safety and to avoid hazards, the contractor shall remove and properly dispose of all material generated by this project and follow all applicable safety rules at all times. Area must be left in a condition in good as or better than prior to work starting.




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To Be Determined, Old Bridge, NJ

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