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Site work for a water / sewer project in Salt Lake City, Utah. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Question Submission Close Date 12/3/2021 2:00 PM MST Work under this Project is part of SLCDPU's multi-phase effort to realign a portion of the City's 1800-N sewer trunk line from its current crossings of UTA/UPRR and I15 at 1800N, south to a new alignment running east to west, from the W 15th N City Right-of-Way under UTA/UPRR to Warm Springs Road and continuing under Interstate 15 to Rosewood Park. Phase 1 of this effort is construction of the crossings at UTA/UPRR and I15 to be accomplished via guided pipe ramming trenchless construction. This project shall include work as follows: Four (4) 36" steel casings by guided pipe ramming, each approximately 377 feet in length, across multiple UPRR and UTA railroad tracks. 24" FRP gravity sewer carrier pipes in three (3) casings and one (1) 24" storm drain pipe in one (1) casing across UTA/UPRR, each carrier pipe is approximately 390 feet in length. Two (2) 36" steel casings by guided pipe ramming, each approximately 330 feet in length, across I15. 24" FRP gravity sewer carrier pipes in two (2) 36" casings across I15, each gravity sewer carrier pipe is approximately 354 feet in length. Watertight (secant pile and concrete seal slab) launching and receiving pit(s) for pipe ramming work Approximately 50 feet of 54" FRP gravity sewer pipe by open cut construction and plugs at ends of sewer pipe for protection in preparation for Phase 2 interties at 54" sewer pipe Cast-in-place concrete structures, as detailed on Exhibit A. Temporary and permanent relocation of approximately 200 feet of 12" potable water pipeline, including fittings, appurtenances, thrust restraint and approximately 18,000 square feet of surface restoration of Warm Springs Road. Groundwater management, including water pollution control and stormwater pollution prevention, as required for guided pipe ramming of steel casing and carrier pipe, cast-in-place structure, and manhole construction, including any treatment, handling and disposal in accordance with applicable permits and regulations. Completion of post construction testing and video inspection of the trunk line and manholes/structures. Permitting, traffic control, tree removal, landscape replacement, surface restoration, etc. o Performing public relations and outreach activities during construction

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Salt Lake City, UT

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