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Published October 11, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work, new construction, renovation and addition to a civil project in Hamlin, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the addition of a water / sewer project; for the demolition of a water / sewer project; for the construction of a water / sewer project; for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of October 11, 2021, the project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award not yet been established. Contract No. 1: Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Structural/mechanical Work Contract No. 2: Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Electrical Work Contract No. 3: Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion HVAC Work Contract No. 4: Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion Plumbing Work Contracts Nos. 1 though 4 includes, upgrading the existing Roamingwood WWTP. Items of work include: demolishing the existing garage, constructing a new influent pump station and appurtenances, modifying the existing control building, replacing and rehabilitating numerous process pumps, modifying the existing blower building including installing two new blowers, constructing a new blower building, rehabilitating one existing equalization tank, converting one existing equalization tank to serve as a backwash storage tank, rehabilitating the existing forward flow pump station, constructing new chlorination and dechlorination buildings, installing a new Ultra Violet Disinfection System, rehabilitating existing filters, rehabilitating the existing Carousel Units, installing new mixers and surface aerators in the existing Carousel Units, rehabilitating the secondary clarifiers, demolishing the existing solids handling building, constructing a new Solids Handling Building that will include Aerated Holding Tanks, a screw Press and Conveyor and Chemical Systems, constructing a new five (5) bay garage, and associated piping, HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and site improvements. Requests for clarification are due Friday, September 24, 2021 4:00:00 PM [(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)]. The Project has an expected duration of 730 days. A Bid Bond drawn to the order of the Roamingwood Sewer and Water Association an Agent of South Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority in the amount equal to five percent (5%) of the amount of the bid must be submitted with the proposal as bid security. The Roamingwood Sewer and Water Association an Agent of South Wayne County Water and Sewer Authority hereby reserves the right, which is understood and agreed to by all bidders, to refuse any or all bids submitted, and also reserves the right to waive any informality in bids received, but any contract awarded will be to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. Project Budget 1 STRUCTURAL / MECHANICAL $8,700,000 2 ELECTRICAL $1,300,000 3 HVAC $450,000 4 PLUMBING $250,000

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Addition, Demolition, New Construction, Renovation, Site Work

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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Price and Payment Procedures, Allowances, Cash Allowances, Contract Modification Procedures, Administrative Requirements, Submittal Procedures, Certificates, Design Data, Special Procedures, Alteration Project Procedures, Quality Requirements, Regulatory Requirements, Temporary Facilities and Controls, Temporary Utilities, Temporary Water, Execution and Closeout Requirements, Examination and Preparation, Execution, Application, Erection, Cleaning and Waste Management, Closeout Submittals, Bonds, Spare Parts, Facility Operation, Facility Operation Procedures, Facility Maintenance Procedures
Division 02 - Existing Conditions

Division 02 - Existing Conditions

Demolition, Facility Remediation, Transportation and Disposal of Hazardous Materials
Division 03 - Concrete

Division 03 - Concrete

Concrete Forming and Accessories, Concrete Forming, Structural Cast-in-Place Concrete Forming, Concrete Accessories, Concrete Reinforcing, Reinforcing Steel, Welded Wire Fabric Reinforcing, Cast-in-Place Concrete, Precast Concrete, Precast Structural Concrete, Precast Architectural Concrete, Grouting
Division 04 - Masonry

Division 04 - Masonry

Masonry, Common Work Results for Masonry, Masonry Grouting, Unit Masonry, Clay Unit Masonry, Stone Assemblies
Division 05 - Metals

Division 05 - Metals

Structural Metal Framing, Structural Steel Framing, Metal Fabrications
Division 06 - Wood, Plastics, and Composites

Division 06 - Wood, Plastics, and Composites

Rough Carpentry, Wood Framing, Finish Carpentry, Millwork, Architectural Woodwork, Plastic Fabrications
Division 07 - Thermal and Moisture Protection

Division 07 - Thermal and Moisture Protection

Dampproofing and Waterproofing, Thermal Protection, Thermal Insulation, Steep Slope Roofing, Shingles and Shakes, Roofing and Siding Panels, Siding, Roof and Wall Specialties and Accessories, Roof Specialties, Reglets, Fire and Smoke Protection, Applied Fireproofing, Joint Protection
Division 08 - Openings

Division 08 - Openings

Openings, Doors and Frames, Metal Doors and Frames, Hollow Metal Doors and Frames, Specialty Doors and Frames, Panel Doors, Sectional Doors, Windows, Aluminum Windows, Bronze Windows, Stainless-Steel Windows, Steel Windows, Hardware, Door Hardware, Glazing, Glass Glazing, Louvers and Vents, Vents
Division 09 - Finishes

Division 09 - Finishes

Plaster and Gypsum Board, Supports for Plaster and Gypsum Board, Suspension Systems, Gypsum Board, Tiling, Ceilings, Acoustical Ceilings, Flooring, Resilient Flooring, Carpeting, Painting and Coating
Division 10 - Specialties

Division 10 - Specialties

Information Specialties, Visual Display Surfaces, Interior Specialties, Compartments and Cubicles, Partitions, Storage Specialties, Lockers, Exterior Specialties, Protective Covers
Division 11 - Equipment

Division 11 - Equipment

Foodservice Equipment, Other Equipment, Religious Equipment
Division 12 - Furnishings

Division 12 - Furnishings

Casework, Specialty Casework, Laboratory Casework, Furnishings and Accessories, Portable Lamps, Lamps, Furniture
Division 13 - Special Construction

Division 13 - Special Construction

Special Structures, Fabricated Engineered Structures
Division 14 - Conveying Equipment

Division 14 - Conveying Equipment

Lifts, Scaffolding, Other Conveying Equipment, Facility Chutes
Division 21 - Fire Suppression

Division 21 - Fire Suppression

Water-Based Fire-Suppression Systems, Facility Fire-Suppression Water-Service Piping
Division 22 - Plumbing

Division 22 - Plumbing

Plumbing, Common Work Results for Plumbing, General-Duty Valves for Plumbing Piping, Hangers and Supports for Plumbing Piping and Equipment, Plumbing Insulation, Plumbing Equipment, Domestic Water Filtration Equipment, Plumbing Fixtures
Division 23 - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning

Division 23 - Heating Ventilating and Air Conditioning

Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Common Work Results for HVAC, General-Duty Valves for HVAC Piping, Hangers and Supports for HVAC Piping and Equipment, Testing, Adjusting, and Balancing for HVAC, HVAC Insulation, HVAC Piping and Pumps, Hydronic Piping and Pumps, Hydronic Pumps, HVAC Air Distribution, HVAC Ducts and Casings, Metal Ducts, Air Duct Accessories, Dampers, Flexible Connectors, HVAC Fans, Air Outlets and Inlets, Ventilation Hoods, Fume Hoods, Central Cooling Equipment, Central HVAC Equipment, Decentralized HVAC Equipment, Decentralized Unitary HVAC Equipment, Convection Heating and Cooling Units, Air Coils, Unit Heaters
Division 26 - Electrical

Division 26 - Electrical

Electrical, Common Work Results for Electrical, Medium-Voltage Electrical Distribution, Medium-Voltage Transformers, Low-Voltage Electrical Distribution, Low-Voltage Transformers, Low-Voltage Switchgear, Facility Electrical Power Generating and Storing Equipment, Packaged Generator Assemblies, Engine Generators, Lighting, Interior Lighting
Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security

Division 28 - Electronic Safety and Security

Electronic Safety and Security, Common Work Results for Electronic Safety and Security
Division 31 - Earthwork

Division 31 - Earthwork

Earthwork, Common Work Results for Earthwork, Aggregates for Earthwork, Earth Moving, Grading, Excavation and Fill, Excavation, Trenching, Dewatering, Fill, Backfill, Compaction, Erosion and Sedimentation Controls, Special Foundations and Load-Bearing Elements, Foundation Anchors
Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Exterior Improvements, Operation and Maintenance of Exterior Improvements, Operation and Maintenance of Planting, Fertilizing, Common Work Results for Exterior Improvements, Bases, Ballasts, and Paving, Flexible Paving, Site Improvements, Retaining Walls, Planting, Planting Preparation, Soil Preparation
Division 33 - Utilities

Division 33 - Utilities

Water Utilities, Water Utility Distribution Piping, Storm Drainage Utilities, Storm Utility Drainage Piping, Communications Utilities, Communications Distribution
Division 34 - Transportation

Division 34 - Transportation

Transportation, Transportation Signaling and Control Equipment, Railway Signaling and Control Equipment, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
Division 35 - Waterways and Marine Construction

Division 35 - Waterways and Marine Construction

Coastal Construction, Shoreline Protection
Division 40 - Process Interconnections

Division 40 - Process Interconnections

Process Integration, Common Work Results for Process Integration, Gas and Vapor Process Piping
Division 41 - Material Processing and Handling Equipment

Division 41 - Material Processing and Handling Equipment

Material Processing and Handling Equipment, Bulk Material Processing Equipment, Batching Equipment, Mixers, Piece Material Handling Equipment, Lifting Devices, Clamps, Lifts, Mobile Plant Equipment, Mobile Earth Moving Equipment, Compactors
Division 43 - Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification and Storage Equipment

Division 43 - Process Gas and Liquid Handling, Purification and Storage Equipment

Gas Handling Equipment, Gas Compressors, Liquid Handling Equipment, Liquid Process Equipment, Liquid Aeration Devices
Division 44 - Pollution Control Equipment

Division 44 - Pollution Control Equipment

Water Treatment Equipment

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4501 Lakeview Dr, Hamlin, PA

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Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion - Structural/Mechanical Work, Electrical Work, HVAC Work and Plumbing Work

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