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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Milwaukie, Oregon. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

Harvey Street from 32nd Avenue to 42nd Avenue is a two-way urban neighborhood greenway that runs west to east through the Ardenwald neighborhood. The roadway is an asphalt road with concrete curb and spotty non-ADA sidewalks. There are two driving lanes with parking and 6 curbs on both sides. The project will not include the intersection of 32nd Avenue and will proceed to the end of Harvey Street, and will branch onto 33rd Avenue, 36th Avenue, Sherry Street, 40th Avenue down to Drake Street, and 42nd Avenue all the way to Johnson Creek Boulevard. The roadway has average daily traffic of approximately 1,450 (City of Milwaukie, 2023) and serves as a primary for underground water transition and service mains. It is bordered by residential homes, multi-family residences, parks, and public utility buildings. The roadway is a school bus route. The existing pavement and curbs are in poor condition. The existing sidewalk is placed in short broken segments and does not meet ADA standards. UPDATE: SAFE/SSMP Improvements: Harvey Street (32nd Avenue to 42nd Avenue) and 42nd Avenue (Howe Street to Harvey Street) replace or construct sidewalk and repave road. Create a neighborhood greenway along Harvey Street from 32nd Avenue to 42nd Avenue. Water Improvements: Harvey Street (36th Avenue to 40th Avenue) install 966 feet of 8-inch water mainline pipe. 33rd Avenue (Harvey Street to dead end) replace 470 feet of 4-inch water mainline pipe with 6-inch pipe. 36th Avenue (Harvey Street to dead end) replace 594 feet of 4-inch water mainline pipe with 6-inch pipe. Wastewater Improvements: General improvements through construction. Stormwater Improvements: treatement facilities will be installed as well as the replacement of storm sewer laterals as necessary. This project is included in the city's 2023-2028 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). As of August 16, 2022, further details regarding design and construction have not been identified. __________________________________________________________________ Harvey Street SAFE/SSMP: Fill in sidewalk gaps on both sides of street, replace portions of existing sidewalk, and remove ADA barriers. Reconstruct roadway surface, install traffic calming improvements, and improve bicycle connections. Water System Improvements: Projects will include replacement of existing valves and reconnection of existing water services. Harvey Street: Replace approximately 2,500 feet and upsize various sections of 4-inch and 6-inch cast iron water main to 8-inch ductile iron pipe to improve fire flows and water quality in the neighborhood. 33rd Avenue: Replace approximately 470 feet and upsize the existing 4-inch water main to 8-inch ductile iron pipe to improve fire flows in the neighborhood. The new main will connect to the 12-inch water main on Harvey Street. 36th Avenue: Replace approximately 600 feet and upsize the existing 4-inch and 6-inch water main to 8-inch ductile iron pipe to improve fire flows in the neighborhood and may include the proper abandonment of the 2-inch line on Sherry Lane. The new main will connect to the 12-inch main on Harvey Street. Stormwater System Improvements: Roadway reconstruction triggers stormwater treatments which will include 4,000 sq ft of vegetated stormwater planters within the right-of-way. Wastewater System Improvements: Provide pipe stub out to right-of-way to Willamette Townhouse Apartments. As of August 13, 2021, this project is included in the City of Milwaukie's FY 2021-2026 CIP and construction is planned for FY 2022. *Project information has been obtained through a public capital improvement plan (CIP). A CIP is a financial schedule for short- and long-range projects which is updated regularly. Information listed in the CIP often evolves based on funding availability and the project details, including timeline and value, are subject to change. The content management team will continue to pursue additional details as they become available. Deadline for changes/clarifications/questions May 12, 2023 5:00 p.m. PST, Brandon Boutros, Associate Engineer, is the sole point of contact for this RFQ and may be reached at 503)786-7541 or All questions and clarifications for this RFQ must be addressed through the City's Bid Management System.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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May 25, 2023

June 23, 2023


SE Harvey St, Milwaukie, OR

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