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Published October 5, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Newark, Delaware. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Sanitary Sewer CIPP Lining 2021 project includes, but is not limited to, the completion of CIPP lining in the City of Newark, for sanitary sewer pipes ranging from 6 inch to 15 inch Funding for this project is through the State of Delaware Clean Water State Revolving Fund and attention of the bidder is particularly called to the requirements of this program. The work will be subject to the Equal Opportunity requirements of the program. All contractors and subcontractors performing work covered by this contract must pay their workers the higher of the State of Delaware and Davis Bacon prevailing wages and fringe benefits determinations for the classifications. A bid bond equal to not less than 10% of the bid price must accompany the bid. All questions/requests for information regarding this contract (bid process, drawings and technical specifications, etc.) must be submitted via email to contracts@newark.de.us by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday August 26, 2021 to allow staff sufficient time to develop answers to questions deemed appropriate. Please submit all questions/requests for information in bulk (e.g., in a Word document attachment to an email) to limit the total number of emails received. A. Installing CIPP liner in over 10,000 LF of sanitary sewer ranging in diameter from 6 inches to 15 inches throughout the City of Newark. B. The Contractor shall review all pertinent notes and information shown in the project plans and specifications. C. The Contractor is required to determine access points to complete the lining work. All work and incidental costs associated with access to the sanitary sewer manholes are to be included in the Contractors bid price for lining. The locations of the manholes are approximate and are to be field verified by the contractor during the bid process. No additional compensation will be awarded to the contractor for access improvements, restoration, or any other ancillary costs necessary to perform the lining work. D. The City reserves the right to remove lining areas from the project scope depending on pricing and affordability. No adjustment to unit pricing will be granted if an area is removed from the scope of work. E. No survey has been completed for this project. All bidders are required to visit each lining area and determine access, equipment staging, etc. The City asks that Contractors give nearby properties a courtesy knock when walking each site. F. The Contractor must obtain water from the City's Maintenance Yard. The Contractor will not be permitted to draw water from nearby hydrants. G. The Contractor is responsible for Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) costs. This cost shall be included in the unit pricing for CIPP lining as indicated in Bid Form for each Area. For the segments identified for lining along Barksdale Road (Area 4, Area 5, and Area 6), the Contractor shall assume DelDOT will not require nighttime work. 1. Construction MBE: 4.41, WBE: 4.04 The Sanitary Sewer CIPP Lining will occur in different project locations around the City of Newark. The work included in this project involves cleaning the pipe segments, conducting CCTV inspections and installing the CIPP liner. The specifics of each lining segment can be found in the project plans and technical specifications. All work shall be performed in accordance with all Local, State, and Federal laws and regulations


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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