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Published September 2, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Mesa, Arizona. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Mesa Public Schools ("District") is seeking a responsible and responsive vendor to provide a cooling tower replacement according to the terms, conditions, and specifications of this solicitation. Question Submission Deadline:August 23, 2021, 2:00pm Question Response Deadline:August 26, 2021, 2:00pm Questions shall be submitted in the Questions and Answers Tab on ProcureNow no later than Monday, August 23, 2021 at 2:00 pm. All questions will be addressed in the Questions and Answers Tab and posted online by Thursday, August 26, 2021@ 2:00 pm. Provide 2 new 356-ton cooling towers, two new centrifugal separators in the Tower Yard and 2 new cooling tower fan VFDs in the Mechanical Room. Provide new 6" diameter condenser water supply and return piping from the new cooling towers in the existing Tower Yard the existing Mechanical Room. Connect new condenser water supply and return piping into existing central plant condenser water piping. Provide 4 new 6" diameter, 120v/1ph motorized valves in the condenser water piping to the cooling towers. Provide new 2" copper water piping from existing Mechanical Room to the new cooling towers in the Tower Yard. Provide new water meter tied into the EMS and new pressure reducing valve. Provide new cooling tower drain piping, centrifugal separator piping, and floor sink. Provide new Allerton EMS Controls, controllers, wiring, conduit (minimum 3/4" diameter), and programming to control the new cooling towers, motorized control valves, centrifugal separators, VFDs, and vibration switches. Integrate the new controls into the existing Allerton EMS Control System. Upgrade the existing Allerton EMS front end as required to accommodate the new cooling towers, motorized condenser water valves, vibration switches, centrifugal separators VFDs, etc. Provide commissioning to ensure proper operation of the new equipment and controls. Remove disconnects/starters, corresponding conduit, and wiring back to source from cooling tower, VFD, centrifugal separators, motorized valves, etc. Remove exiting VFD in the Mechanical Room. Provide new starters, disconnects, conduit, and wiring to power the new cooling towers, VFDs, motorized valves, sensors, and controls. Tie new cooling tower and centrifugal separators into the existing MMC with new fuses. Provide a two new approximately 15'x11'x3' tall structural framing stands to support the new cooling towers in the Tower Yard. Provide 12" tall housekeeping pads under each cooling tower. Provide 4" tall housekeeping pads under each centrifugal separator. Fill the entire Tower Yard with 4" thick 2000 psi concrete slab to match the elevation of the existing sidewalks and slope towards the gate. The initial term of the Contract shall be one (1) calendar year from the effective date of Contract Award. A contract under this bid will be awarded to a single vendor. The award will be limited to the least number of offerors that the District determines is necessary to meet the needs of the District. This project must be completed within 6 weeks from the cooling tower arrives on site. Contractors shall note that the work must be completed and a Certificate of Final Completion issued within 6 weeks from the time the cooling tower arrives on site. Failure to do so will result in liquidated damages. Work for this project will take place during the school year, while classes are in session. Proper fencing, barricades and safety precautions are required. A certified or cashier's check or a surety bond, provided from a surety company licensed by the State of Arizona, payable to MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT #4 for ten percent (10%) of the amount of the bid must accompany each bid as a guarantee that the Contractor will enter into a contract to perform the bid in accordance with the plans and specifications or as liquidated damages in the event of failure or refusal of the Contractor to enter into the contract. The check or bond will be returned to the unsuccessful bidders, and to the successful bidder upon the execution of a satisfactory performance, payment bond and contract, as prescribed by Arizona Revised Statutes. No other bonds will be accepted. The bid will not be considered valid if the required Bid Bond does not accompany the bid. Cost of bid bond must be included in bid price Contractor shall be liable for and shall pay District the sum of $1,500 per day as liquidated damages, and not as a penalty, for each calendar day of delay after the date specified in the Solicitation or any extension thereof granted by District for completion of work until the work is complete. Contractor shall pay liquidated damages to District without limiting District's right to terminate the Contract for default as provided elsewhere herein. District shall grant an extension for completion of work if the work is delayed for an unforeseeable cause beyond the control and without fault of Contractor and Contractor notifies District in writing immediately in writing of the cause of the delay and provides sufficient information for District to determine whether an extension is justified. The District shall determine whether an extension is justified in its sole discretion.




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September 9, 2021

October 11, 2021


10100 E Adobe Rd, Mesa, AZ

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