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Site work for a water / sewer project in Muldraugh, Kentucky. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

As of October 18, 2021, the project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for award not yet been established. The following additions, deletions, and modifications shall be made to the Contract Specifications Proposal -- Bidding Schedule: a.) Revise the estimated quantity for Item No. 5 of the Bidding Schedule -- for ASTM 3034 (SDR 26) polyvinyl chloride sewer main, 8-inch internal diameter, under roadway, 0-6 feet deep, complete in place and ready for use to be 2,000. b.) Revise the estimated quantity for Item No. 6 of the Bidding Schedule -- for ASTM 3034 (SDR 26) polyvinyl chloride sewer main, 8-inch internal diameter, outside roadway, 0-6 feet deep, complete in place and ready for use to be 850. c.) Revise the estimated quantity for Item No. 7 of the Bidding Schedule -- for ASTM 3034 (SDR 26) polyvinyl! chloride sewer main, 8-inch internal diameter, under roadway, 6-9 feet deep, complete in place and ready for use to be 3,075. d.) Revise the estimated quantity for Item No. 8 of the Bidding Schedule -- for ASTM 3034 (SDR 26) polyvinyl chloride sewer main, 8-inch internal diameter, outside roadway, 6-9 feet deep, complete in place and ready for use to be 1,225. e.) Revise the estimated quantity for Item No. 9 of the Bidding Schedule -- for ASTM 3034 (SDR 26) polyvinyl chloride sewer main, 8-inch intemal diameter, under roadway, 9-12 feet deep, complete in place and ready for use to be 405. f.) Revise bid Item No. 16 of the Bidding Schedule to read as follows "C900 DR14 PVC force main, 8" internal diameter, in 16" -- 0.282" wall steel casing pipe in tunnel / bore under roadway, complete in place and ready for use." Contract Drawings The following additions, deletions, and modifications shall be made to the Contract Drawings: Pian Sheet No. 5 a.) Add the following Note: "Note: In the area of Manhole Sta. 2+35 there are existing Piezometers as part of the Superfund Site Monitoring. Contractor is to take caution to not disturb these monitors. If they must or are disturbed ot damaged, the Contractor shall be responsible for the repair or replacement of any damaged piezometers and all cost for the repair or replacement shall be the repsonsbilitty of then Contractor." WMS No. 18151 Page 1 Re-Bid Addendum No. 1 Plan Sheet No. 17 a.) Revising casing note between FM Sta 13+07 and FM Sta 13+90 to read as follows: "Install 75 L.F. of 8 C900 DR 14 PVC Force Main inside 16" Dia. .282 Wall Steel (Solid Weld) Casing Pipe by bore method under State Highway 868" Plan Sheet No. 20 a.) Revising casing note between FM Sta 44+65 and FM Sta 46+60 to read as follows: "Install 180 L.F. of 8 C900 DR 14 PVC Force Main inside 16" Dia. .282 Wall steel (Solid Weld) Casing Pipe by bore method under Brandenburg Station Road" Plan Sheet No. 21 a.) Revising casing note to read as follows: "Install 30 L.F. of 8' C900 DR 14 PVC Force Main inside 16" Dia. .282 Wall Steel (Solid Weld) Casing Pipe by bore method under access road on Fort Knox property" Plan Sheet No. 23 a.) Revising Typical Section Asphalt Pavement -- Type A detail as follows: Replace note for "Compacted Crushed Stone Backfill" with "60 PSI Flowable HT". b.) | Add the following Note to Typical Section Asphalt Pavement -- Type A detail: "Note: This detail for pavement replacement is for State Highways. Please acknowledge receipt of this Addendum by signing below and faxing or emailing this page back to Water Management Services, LLC at 615/366- 6203 or The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.


Water / Sewer


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Multiple Locations, Muldraugh, KY

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