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Published September 8, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Topeka, Kansas. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

The City of Topeka is soliciting bids to repair / replace the roofs at Fire Station #4 located at 813 SW Clay Street and Fire Station #7 located at 1215 SW Oakley Avenue. At both Fire Stations: Remove and dispose of existing clay roofing tiles and accessory pieces. Remove and dispose of waterproof membrane and wood battens (if present). Inspect wood board roof deck and replace rotten, weak or damaged boards with new. Apply self-adhering, reinforced roofing underlayment. Install new clay roofing tiles and accessory pieces that match existing, battens (if necessary) and flashings for a complete, watertight roof. Fire Station #4 includes approximately 30 squares of clay shingle tile on a roof with a slope of about. 9 in 12. The building is two stories with an eave height of 24'- 0"+. This station has approx. 1 1/2 squares of single-ply membrane roofing over tapered insulation to be replaced in two areas: 120 sf over the single-story entry and 35 sf on top of the hose drying tower. Fire Station #7 includes approximately 36 squares of interlocking "French" clay tile on a roof with a slope of about 6 in 12. The building is one story with an eave height of 12'-0"+. This station has approx. 4 squares of single-ply membrane roofing over tapered insulation to be replaced in one area. Fire Station #7 has exposed wood rafter tales, exposed roof deck at the eaves, eave and rake boards on the roof and dormers and steel windows in the dormers to be scrapped, primed and painted concurrent with the roof work. Fire Station #4 has a painted eave board that will need to be repainted to match the color of the new gutters. Install new pre-finished metal gutters and downspouts matching the existing size and style at both stations. Flashings other than gutters and downspouts shall be copper as indicated in the specifications. All bids must be accompanied by a cashier's check or a bid bond for not less than five percent (5%) of the amount bid (including alternates), made payable to the City of Topeka, Kansas. The original bid security shall be in the office of Contracts and Procurement before the 2:00 P.M. on closing date. Bid Submittal requirements are explained in the Instructions to Bidders. All persons seeking to enter into a contract with the City shall submit an acceptable affirmative action program in accordance with Section 2.135.130 of the Code of the City of Topeka, Kansas. Bidders shall take note of requirements for notification of MBE's and WBE's as stated in paragraph 24 of the Instruction to Bidders. Project Number 131079.04


Fire / Police


Public - City


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