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Published November 17, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Windsor, Virginia. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Provide Engineering Design Services for the design and development of construction drawings and ancillary bid phase services for the US Rt.460 at US Rt. 258 turn lane improvement project, including widening along the east side of intersection to accommodate new left turn lanes. Isle of Wight County is requesting sealed proposals from qualified individuals and firms to provide Engineering Design Services for the purpose of entering into a contract through competitive negotiations to perform professional services for the design and development of construction drawings and ancillary bid phase services for the US Rt 460 at US Rt 258 turn lane improvement project, including widening along the east side of US Rt 258/460 intersection to accommodate new left turn lanes and pedestrian facilities, with elated design and bid phase construction services. This is a federally funded, VDOT Locally Administered Program (LAP) project. All services and deliverables shall be required to meet all State and Federal funding and design requirements. Questions Due: November 10, 2022, 3:00 PM The Purchasing Agent, Erin B. Wishall, is the Contract Officer for Isle of Wight County with respect to this RFP. All questions and/or comments should be directed to her at: ewishall@isleofwightus.net. Respondents to this RFP shall not contact, either directly or indirectly, any other employee or agent of the County regarding this RFP. Any such unauthorized contact may disqualify the offeror from the procurement. Questions concerning this solicitation must be submitted in writing (email is preferred) and addressed to the Contract Officer, Erin B. Wishall (ewishall@isleofwightus.net). RFP questions shall be received no later than 3:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, on November 10, 2022. Isle of Wight County is seeking engineering services for the design and development of construction drawings for the US Rt 460 at US Rt 258 turn lane improvement project, including widening along the east side of US Rt 258/460 intersection to accommodate new left turn lanes and pedestrian facilities, with elated design and bid phase construction services. This is a federally funded, VDOT Locally Administered Program (LAP) project. All services and deliverables shall be required to meet all State and Federal funding and design requirements. The DBE contract goal for this procurement is _10__%. Converted Solicitation Reference #:RFP-LA63-3639-1 The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


Roads / Highways


Public - County

Paving, Site Work

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November 28, 2023


US-258 & US-460, Windsor, VA

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