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Published October 18, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Mont-Laurier, Quebec. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference number : 1520947 Review Title : Provision of professional services for the deployment of an optical fiber network as part of the Brancher Antoine-Labelle project - Phase 3 Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2021-09-07 Electronic submission accepted: Yes, with separate price document The Regional County Municipality of Antoine-Labelle (hereinafter the MRC) wishes to receive offers of professional services for the engineering activities required for phase 3 of the deployment work of its high-speed telecommunications infrastructure. FTTH. This infrastructure includes in particular the external network, passive infrastructures and active equipment. This third phase includes approximately 75 km of network and approximately 491 gates. The mandate is to provide all the FTTH engineering for the sections identified in Appendix G. This requires to perform: Field surveys, including at interconnection points; Analysis of existing maps and documents; Researching and obtaining information for the purposes of interconnections to the existing network, in particular by analyzing the maps provided, interconnection points, methods and recommendations for interconnections to the existing or planned network; Permit and authorization requests from the appropriate organizations, in particular Bell, Télébec, Hydro-Québec, MTQ, municipalities, including for the poles concerned by the interconnection points; The production of plans and specifications for deployment; Project management and coordination. The MRC will be able to add sectors during the mandate, in particular during the real estate development of new sectors. As an option, the MRC may also grant the firm one, several or none of the following mandates: Produce the technical estimate for a call for tenders for the purchase of equipment (pre-purchase); Produce the tender documents for the deployment of Phase 3, including the analysis of the bids; Monitor the jobs during deployment. Engineering activities must begin October 2021 and end no later than September 2022. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time.




Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Mont-Laurier, QC

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