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Published September 29, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Vincennes, Indiana. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Bids shall be executed in accordance with the provided bid forms, Certification of Non-Segregated Facilities and with Indiana State Board of Accounts Form 96 (revised 2013), a completed AIA Form G705 must be included stating "none" if there are to be no sub-contractors, and accompanied by a satisfactory bid bond, payable to Vincennes University for not less than 5% of the total bid price. Contractor shall acknowledge all addenda on bid form. Withdrawal of Bid: Should bidder withdraw his bid within 90 days date of opening without written consent of the Owner, the Owner may declare the bid deposit forfeited as liquidated damages. Contract Security: Contractor receiving award shall furnish an approved Performance Bond in an amount of at least equal to 110% of the contract price and also a Labor and Material Payment Bond in an amount at least equal to 110% of the contract price or in a penal sum not less than that prescribed by law; as securities for the faithful performance of the contract and for the payment of all persons performing labor and furnishing materials on this project. The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any bid or waive any informality or errors in bidding. A responsible bid is received and documents are returned directly to the Office of the Architect in good condition within thirty (30) days of receipt of bids; 2) the prospective bidder notifies the Architect of his/her intention not to bid and returns the bidding documents in good condition at least seven (7) days prior to receipt of bids. Any plan holder not in conformance with Item 1 or 2 noted above will forfeit their plan deposit. Plans and Specifications: Performance of the work shall be in accordance with plans and specifications on file at the following locations: OFFICE OF ARCHITECTURAL SERVICES & FACILITIES ARCHITECT/ENGINEER Andrew Young, AIA, LEED AP Joe Briggs, Architect University Architect and Director Gibraltar Design Vincennes University 9102 North Meridian Street, Suite 300 817 N. Second Street Indianapolis, Indiana 46260 Vincennes, IN 47591 a. Pre-Award Conference: September 14, 2021. b. Notice of Award of Contract: September 15, 2021. c. Contractors Access to the Technology Building: September 20, 2021. (Assuming expediting of all required paperwork and insurance) d. Substantial Completion of the Partial Roof Replacement: December 31, 2021. e. Final Completion of the Partail Roof Replacement: January 28, 2022.




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1300 Chestnut St, Vincennes, IN

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