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Published December 6, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a bridge / tunnel in Monroe, Indiana. Conceptual plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and for paving for a bridge / tunnel.

Owner Office Fort Wayne Dist / Capital Program Mgmt Contract Type Project Specific Compensation Method Lump Sum Two Step Scoring No Allowable Profit Rate 8.8% Plus Overhead Factor Is Federal Funding Involved Yes # of Firms to Select 1 Project Development Services Five Bridge Deck Overlays, Two Bridge Thin Deck Overlays, and One HMA Overlay Minor Structural in Adams and Elkhart Cos. The selected firm shall perform preliminary engineering and plan development services necessary to produce construction contract documents for the listed projects in accordance with INDOTs designated letting schedule. The selected firm shall complete an Engineering Assessment/Alternative Analysis for projects where one is not included in the RFP. The selected firm will also be responsible for: Environmental Document, Waterway Permits, Topographic Survey, Design & Plan Development, Hydraulic Analysis, Permits Applications, Right-of-Way Plan Development (including R/W Engineering, Title Research and Staking), Geotechnical Engineering, Utility and Railroad Coordination, Pavement and Bridge Design, Construction Phase Services, and other related services as needed. Additionally, the selected firm will be responsible for providing professional public outreach and marketing services for all construction contracts on this RFP. These services shall compliment INDOTs efforts to proactively communicate project development updates in an effective manner to various media outlets through the consistent utilization of multi-media messaging and visual illustrations as requested. The selected firm shall coordinate with INDOT on all outreach efforts, which may include stakeholder meetings, information meetings, and/or public hearings as deemed appropriate. Other services such as Ecological Surveys, Archaeological Investigations, Historical/Architectural Investigation, and Wetland Mitigation, may be included later if these work types become necessary. The selected firm will perform the Real Estate Acquisition Services (including R/W Management, Appraising, Review Appraising, and Buying) only for Des 2100196. In the Letters of Interest (LOIs) for this RFP item, interested respondents shall highlight three Bridge Deck Overlay projects (Des. Nos.: 2100705, 2100706 and 2100686) and one HMA Overlay Minor Structural project (Des. No.: 2100196). The selected firms fee proposal shall be due 45 calendar days after the selection date for this RFP item. These contracts will utilize the INDOT eInvoice application. 2100196 - SR 13, HMA Overlay Minor Structural, From US 20 (RP 131.1) to 1.93 mi N. of US 20 (York Dr RP 133.02). , in Elkhart Co. RP 131+001 to RP 133+002- $8,209,732.00 2100648 - US 33, Bridge Thin Deck Overlay, Bridge over ELKHART RIVER, 04.44 Miles North of SR 13., in Elkhart Co. RP 080+009 to RP 080+009 - $243,100.00 2100681 - US 6, Bridge Thin Deck Overlay, CR 29 Bridge over US 6, 01.00 Mile West of SR 13 {W JCT}. , in Elkhart Co. RP 098+020 to RP 098+020 - $178,158.00 2100686 - US 224, Bridge Deck Overlay, Bridge over ST MARY'S RIVER, 00.85 East of US 27., in Adams Co. RP 033+010 to RP 033+011 - $2,117,500.00 2100705 - SR 19, Bridge Deck Overlay, Bridge over I-90 EB/WB, 09.15 Miles North of US 20., in Elkhart Co. RP 121+029 to RP 121+029 - $743,432.00 2100706 - SR 19, Bridge Deck Overlay, Bridge over I-90 EB/WB, 09.15 Miles North of US 20., in Elkhart Co. RP 121+029 to RP 121+029 - $1,325,466.00 2100735 - US 6, Bridge Deck Overlay, Bridge over SOLOMON CREEK, 00.78 Mile West of US 33., in Elkhart Co. RP 101+029 to RP 101+030 - $676,500.00 2100737 - US 27, Bridge Deck Overlay, Bridge over BORUM RUN, 00.11 Mile North of US 33., in Adams Co. RP 091+002 to RP 091+002 - $1,306,250.00 INDOT - RFP Engineering - Project Development Services As of December 6, 2022, this project is currently under evaluation. The short-list of firms has not been released. The design firm selection timeline has not been disclosed.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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December 7, 2022


Multiple Locations, Monroe, IN

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