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Published December 2, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Glendale, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

RAZING AND REMOVING BUILDINGS 1. Parcel 2: Razing and removing a 1,379 SF home with a two-car attached garage. Access walks, curbs, concrete driveway, patios, and steps. Miscellaneous fencing, any and all other relevant surrounding improvements and debris, if present. Asbestos, if present, must be removed pursuant to Article 15 of the Special Provisions. Clearing and grubbing of all surrounding landscaping. Utility disconnects should be done prior by WisDOT: 6374 N. Port Washington Road, Glendale, Wisconsin, Milwaukee County, 1229-04-21. 2. Parcel 4: Razing and removing a One story, 2,113 SF single family house with two car attached garage. Enclosed porch, concrete patio, concrete driveway, access walks, curbs and steps. Miscellaneous fencing, any and all other relevant surrounding improvements and debris, if present. Asbestos, if present, must be removed pursuant to Article 15 of the Special Provisions. Clear and grub all landscaping as shown in the exhibits. Utility disconnects shall be done prior by WisDOT: 320 W. Brentwood Lane, Glendale, Wisconsin, Milwaukee County, 1229-04-21. 3. Parcel 6: Razing and removing a Cape Cod style 1.5 story, 1,744 SF single family house with two car attached garage. Concrete patio, concrete driveway, access walks, curbs and steps. Potential abandoned well on property per previous owner but not verified by the DOT that would need complete removal. Miscellaneous fencing, any and all other relevant surrounding improvements and debris, if present. Asbestos, if present, must be removed pursuant to Article 15 of the Special Provisions. Clear and grub all landscaping as shown in the exhibits. Utility disconnects shall be done prior by WisDOT: 318 W. Clovernook Lane, Glendale, Wisconsin, Milwaukee County, 1229-04-21. 4. Parcel 6: Razing and removing a Cape Cod style 1.5 story, 1,787 SF single family house with two car attached garage and detached shed. Concrete patio, concrete driveway, access walks, curbs and steps. Miscellaneous fencing, any and all other relevant surrounding improvements and debris, if present. Asbestos, if present, must be removed pursuant to Article 15 of the Special Provisions. Clear and grub all landscaping as shown in the exhibits. Utility disconnects shall be done prior by WisDOT: 330 W. Apple Tree Road, Glendale, Wisconsin, Milwaukee County, 1229-04-24. Guaranty Required: $20,000.00 No Plans Estimate of principal items: The work under this item consists of razing and removing buildings. For further information, contact: Laura Sadler, (414) 870-8822 Bidder must include a properly executed bid bond or a cashier's check, certified check, bank's check, or postal money order in the amount designated on the proposal made payable to the Department. Certified checks shall be drawn on the account of the bidder submitting the proposal. The bidder may also satisfy the proposal guaranty requirements by having a properly executed annual bid bond on file with the Department. Contractors interested in bidding must obtain a bid package from Terra Venture Advisors LLC in order to be elligible.

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Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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