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Published April 20, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work, paving and new construction of a civil project in Wilsonville, Oregon. Completed plans call for the construction of a bridge / tunnel; for site work for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; water / sewer project; and bridge / tunnel.

The City of Wilsonville is seeking proposals from qualified firms (Proposers) to provide Progressive Design Build (PDB) services for design and construction of the Boeckman Road Corridor Project (BRCP). The BRCP includes four interrelated funded public works projects on Boeckman Road between Canyon Creek Road and Wilsonville/Stafford Roads in northeast Wilsonville. The four "subprojects" to be combined are: The Boeckman Dip Bridge project (CIP 4212) will construct a bridge over Boeckman Creek and will make needed safety improvements and upgrade the existing steep, narrow, rural roadway to a minor arterial standard with safe bicycle and pedestrian facilities that connect residential neighborhoods, jobs, schools, and commercial land uses. The design will provide for steam/riparian restoration, fish passage, wildlife corridor and a regional trail. This improvement also facilitates construction of the Canyon Creek intersection by correcting the vertical curve and site distance issues. A road closure for bridge construction will require a temporary traffic signal at the Stafford Road/ SW 65th Avenue/ Elligsen Road intersection to mitigate additional impacts to the intersection which currently experiences LOS constraints. Preliminary design (see appendix 9.3) of the 65/Stafford intersection is currently underway. The City is in discussions with both Clackamas and Washington County to finalize agreements and secure approval for the signal installation. A hydraulic/ hydrologic analysis of Boeckman Creek has been completed to assess downstream impacts of eliminating the detention that currently exists north of Boeckman Road (see appendix 9.2). The Boeckman Road Sanitary Sewer Improvements (CIP 2012) project will construct approximately one-half mile of new sanitary sewer trunk on Boeckman Road between Boeckman Creek on the west and Stafford Road on the east to serve the developing Frog Pond neighborhoods. The new sewer will connect existing temporary sewer connections for Frog Pond West and Meridian Creek Middle School on Advance Rd. The Boeckman Road Street Improvements (CIP 4205) will improve the existing roadway with multi-modal improvements meeting Minor Arterial design standards between Boeckman Creek and Stafford Road, underground existing utilities, extend city fiber, provide safe pedestrian crossing at SW Willow Creek Drive The Canyon Creek Road/Boeckman Road Signalization project (CIP 4206) will construct a new traffic signal at the intersection of Canyon Creek Road and Boeckman Road. The city will also consider a roundabout at the intersection if LOS issues can be resolved, construction traffic can be appropriately mitigated, and cost is determined to be within budget. Est. Value Notes: $26 million - $28 million Est. Completion Date: Dec. 31, 2024 Proposers will then receive a calendar invite for the meeting. Name, Proposer Name, Phone Number, Email Address(es) (note: meeting invite will be sent to this address), Attendee Type (Prime, Subcontractor, Vendor, Professional Services) Deadline for Submitting Proposers Questions Mar 25, 2022 5:00 PM Interviews (if determined necessary) Apr 15, 2022 Notice of Intent to Award Apr 22, 2022 End of 7 Day Protest Period Apr 29, 2022 Anticipated Council Award Agreement May 16, 2022 *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - City

New Construction, Paving, Site Work

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Boeckman Rd, Wilsonville, OR

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