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Published December 17, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Charlotte, North Carolina. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

On December 13, 2021, Charlotte City Council voted to Approve unit price contracts with the following companies for electrical engineering design services and power quality studies for an initial term of three years: - AME Consulting Engineers, PC (SBE), - Atom Engineering, PLLC (SBE), - Current Solutions Professional Engineering, Estimating and Consulting, PC (SBE), - McKim & Creed, PA - Quality Consulting Engineers, PLLC (SBE) Deadline for Questions: September 30, 2021 The City is responsible for the operations and maintenance of 180+ municipal facilities, structures, and assets, with a range of uses including office, warehouse, storage, parking, vehicle maintenance, communication towers, and public safety. The facility portfolio includes electrical service amperages from 100 to 4,000 volts of 120/208 and 277/480. As-needed electrical engineering design services for maintenance and renovation projects span the entire facility portfolio. Typical electrical design service requests and power quality studies include light commercial and heavy commercial systems, and sometimes industrial systems. Service requests may include the following non-exclusive categories: a. Critical Infrastructure Circuit additions/modifications, and UPS distribution systems b. Standby Emergency Generators Emergency generator back-up systems c. Ground Fault Protection Systems Protection system design Section 1 City of Charlotte RFQ INSTRUCTIONS RFQ 2021-576 - Electrical Engineering Design Services and Power Quality Studies d. Building Automation Control Systems Direct digital building controls . e. Design/Installation of New or Replacement Equipment Interior and exterior lighting renovations f. Studies and Analyses Load studies g. Power Quality Studies and Analyses Analysis and reporting on power quality. The selected Firms may be required to provide emergency services on short notice and within a tight time schedule. Specific tasks may include: Meet with City representatives and/or other team members as needed to discuss the design concepts and coordinate Firm's work. o Review existing plans and documentation to become familiar with original design capabilities and configurations of various systems. Perform field investigations of the areas involved to gain a better understanding of existing conditions. Provide feasibility analyses or studies. Provide power quality studies and analyses. Provide constructions documents, including drawings and specifications, suitable for review, permit and bid. Assist with construction cost estimates. Provide assistance during bidding and permitting to answer questions and provide plan revisions as required. o The City will be responsible for the constructions contract and bid process. o The Contractor will be responsible for all permit and inspection fees. Provide shop drawing review and responses to RFIs. Provide close-out phase services, including, but not limited to, submission of drawings, asbuilt drawings, and other project-related documents. The City anticipates negotiating contracts with a 3-year term plus two optional one-year renewal periods. No representation or guarantee is made regarding the quantity of work to be awarded under any as-needed service contract. The City, at its sole discretion, reserves the right to reject any or all responses to the RFQ, to cancel the RFQ, to re-advertise for new RFQ responses either with identical or revised specifications, or to accept any RFQ response, in whole or part, deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to waive technicalities and informalities. The method of contractor selection has not been determined at this time




Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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