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Renovation of a fire / police facility in Fairfield, Connecticut. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

The Town of Fairfield (Town) on behalf of the Fairfield Fire Department (FFD) is seeking competitive bids from qualified contractors to provide all materials, labor and equipment necessary to supply and install new garage doors at the Fairfield Fire Stationsas specified The Fairfield Fire Department will be completing a garage door upgrade project. Three(3)locations will be having new doors and related components installed and two (2) locations will have all components but not the actual door replaced. This projectspecifically includes: Complete Replacement of the overhead garage doors and all required operating components(tracks, hardware, controls, and motors); 1.Fire Station 1, 140 Reef Road 2.Fire Station 2, 600 Jennings Road 3.Fire Station 5, 3965 Congress Street Partial Replacement of operating componentsonly: tracks, hardware, controls, and motors(Retro-fit Existing Doors with new operating equipment); 1.FireStation 3, 400 Jackman Avenue 2.Fire Station 4, 68 Main Street Southport While the meeting is non-mandatory, prospective bidders will be required to sign-in at commencement of the meeting. The sign-in sheet will be posted on the Purchasing Department website as below. Copies will not be made available at the meeting, nor will they be faxed out. All requests for information will be answered in writing as specified below under Addenda Questions concerning this bid must be submitted in writing and directed only to:Corinne Dyer, Senior Scope of Work Accurate measurements of existing door opening. Removal and disposal of all existing doors, tracks, openers and hardware. Installation of new overhead doors and all required operating components at three locations; Fire Station 1, Fire Station 2, and Fire Station 5 Installation of new operating components only (tracks, hardware, controls, and motors) for the existing doors at Fire Station 3 and Fire Station 4. Contract shall retrofit the existing doors to new operating equipment. Appropriate color matched weather stripping. New side mounted Wi-Fi capable commercial door openers, Lift Master GH, Gear Head Hoist Operator, Logic 5.0, or Owner Approved Equal. New tracks and associated hardware shall be installed at each location. All doors shall be of steel or aluminum construction. The doors shall be red powered coated on the outside. White is preferred on the inside unless this is not practical. All hardware and components will be new. The torsion springs shall be of the highest cycle rating as possible. All panel height dimensions shall match existing panels as close as possible. All doors and glass shall be of the highest R-value as commercially available with doors typically 2" thick One outside key pad shall be provided for each building. All programing of doors and remotes including Wi-Fi connection (assisted by Town IT department) to town internet shall be done by the installer. Each building has specific design requirements, review each building closely. Site visit required prior to bid acceptance. All safety systems shall meet our exceed UL 325. Electrical work shall be done by the Town of Fairfield and shall not be included in pricing. All required State and local permits are the responsibility of the contractor. All permit fees will be waived with the exception of the State Education Fee.

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Fire / Police


Public - City


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.

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Multiple Locations, Fairfield, CT

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