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Saving Project...

Published October 25, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Lafayette, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and road / highway.

The general description of work for which proposals are to be received consists of: Concrete reconstruction and patching, curb and gutter and handicap ramp replacement and any other miscellaneous work pertaining to the project work area. Work shall be in accordance with the Bidding Documents, including the Specifications and the Construction Drawings. Bids shall be properly and completely executed on Form No. 96 (Revised 2013, as prescribed by the Indiana State Board of Accounts), accompanied by the Project Bid Proposal Form. Bidder's financial statement required therein shall reflect conditions not more than four (4) months prior to date of bids. INTENT OF CONTRACT: This project includes milling, patching, and resurfacing of: N 19th Street from Hanna Street to Greenbush Street, Underwood Street from 15th Street to Erie Street, and Old US 231 from US 52 (Teal Road West) to approximately 475 feet south of Veterans Memorial Parkway. The Contractor will be responsible for all inlet casting adjustments inside the pavement surface, and site restoration as needed. Bids shall be accompanied by an acceptable Cashier's Check or satisfactory bond by an incorporated surety company in good standing and qualified to do business in the State of Indiana, in an amount of not less than five (5) percent of said bid. The deposit is for the purpose of insuring the execution of the contract for which said bid is made. Bidder's Federal I.D. number must be shown on Page 1 of Form 96 under the "Oath and Affirmation section. If required by Federal Law, wage rates on this project shall not be less than the prescribed scale of wages as determined in accordance with the current Federal Wage Decision with modifications included in the bid. The Contractor to whom work is awarded will be required to furnish a Performance Bond and a Labor & Materials Payment Bond, acceptable by the City of Lafayette, Indiana, in the amount of one hundred (100) percent of the contract price. No Bidder may withdraw his proposal within a period of ninety (90) days following the date set for receiving bids. The City of Lafayette, Indiana, reserves the right to retain any and all bids for a period of not more than ninety (90) days and said bids shall be and remain valid and in full force and effect during said time. The City of Lafayette, Indiana, further reserves the right to waive informalities and to award the contract to any Bidder or Bidders, all to the advantage of the City of Lafayette, Indiana, or to reject all bids.


Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

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October 5, 2021

October 12, 2021


Multiple Locations, Lafayette, IN

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