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Published March 14, 2023 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of an educational facility in Bradenton, Florida. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility; and for site work for a educational facility.

As of March 14, 2023, an architect and cm have been selected for the project. The project has started construction, and is underway. *The closed solicitation has been included below for reference: Provide Construction Management at-risk services for the following projects: Blackburn Elementary School: Renovate entire school. Additionally, an independent analysis is being performed which may result in a determination to replace the entire school. Estimated Project Budget--$24,000,000 Tara Elementary School: Renovate entire school including mechanical systems and replacing roof and covered walkways as needed. Addition of a classroom wing containing 4 classrooms and associated covered walkway. Additionally, an independent analysis is being performed which may result in a determination to replace the entire school. Estimated Project Budget--$29,000,000 The Evaluation Committee intends to select a separate Construction Management firm for each project for the purpose of effecting an equitable distribution of contracts among qualified firms, but retains the right to award multiple projects to one firm if determined to be in the best interest of the District. Only one (1) submission of qualification information is required to be eligible for both projects. Separate submission, on a per project basis, will not be accepted; hence, making your firm ineligible for any of the projects listed above. Question End Date 10/12/2021 12:00 PM Shortlist Confirmed.

Under Construction



Public - County

Renovation, Site Work

Plans and Specifications are not available for this project. If that changes, they will be made available here.

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