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Published November 9, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Castleton on Hudson, New York. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Work involves, but is not limited to, alterations at Library, Cafeteria floor replacement and Classroom floor replacement. Successful bidder for contract noted above will be entering into a single prime contract. A. The title and location of the Work is printed on the cover of this Project Manual. B. Type of Contract: Lump Sum for Single Prime Contract. C. The term "Owner's Representative" appears many times in these specifications. Wherever it appears, it shall be understood to mean either the Architect, Architect's Sub-Consultants, the Schodack Central School District, or designated representatives. D. The term "Substantial Completion" appears many times in the contract Documents. It shall be understood by the standard AIA (American Institute of Architects) definition: "Substantial Completion is the stage in the progress of the Work when the Work or designated portion thereof is sufficiently complete in accordance with the Contract Documents so the Owner can occupy or utilize the Work for its intended use." E. During the bidding process, all correspondence and requests for information are to be forwarded to the Architect. Only questions or requests for information will be answered by the Architect. If the Architect determines that a clarification is necessary, an addendum will be issued. If not, no addendum will be issued. Note that no requests for information will be answered within 72 hours of a bid due date. Please request information early in the bid process. A. This is a construction contract, which includes, but is not limited to the following, as noted on the drawings and in these specifications, for the Castelon Elementary School Alterations. The New York State Education Department (SED) project number is 49-15-01-04-0-001-018. B. Please note that work may need to be done while the school is occupied but there are strict work conditions that must be met. See specification Section 01 3010. It is strongly suggested that all submittals be transmitted to the Architect within the first week after a Notice to Proceed is issued to the Contractor. Products must be ordered immediately after approval is given by the Architect. The work of this project must be substantially complete per section 1.03. 1. The Owner will staff the building while the Contractor is present on weekends. Any cost associated with weekend staffing of the building by the Owner will be borne by the Contractor. The Contract Sum will be reduced by Change Order in the amount of these costs. Weekend staffing will be charged at a rate of $150 per hour, the building will be staffed for not less than a four hour interval, resulting in a minimum charge for any period of work of $600.00. C. All products used in this project shall be certified as asbestos free. D. Please note that the work of this contract is required to comply with the "Regulation of the Commissioner of Education, Part 155." The Architect has made a special effort to highlight most of the major requirements of this important document in these specifications. E. Owner's Tax Exempt Status 1. The Owner is exempt from payment of Federal Excise Tax, Sales and Compensating Use Taxes of the State of New York and of cities, counties and other subdivisions of the State. The Owner will provide documentation of this so that sales tax is not paid on labor and materials incorporated in the work.




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80 Scott Ave, Castleton on Hudson, NY

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Castleton Elementary School - Alterations - General Construction

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