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Published November 4, 2021 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Junction City, Kansas. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

Grading and Surfacing. Us-77: Fr 0.3 Mi S of Us-77/old Milford Rd, N to the N Jct of Us-77/k-57 Jct in Ge Co. Lgth Is 1.141 Mi. State Tied to Ka 4638-02. Project Number: U077-031 KA 2367-05 Federal Project Number: STP-A236(705) County: Geary Grading and Surfacing Working Days: Questions or Comments may be sent to: Lee Alvarado Lee.Alvarado@ks.gov (785) 296-3576 KSDOT - 224 - Grading and Surfacing PROJECT DEFINED; NATURE OF PROJECT The primary operation on Project No. 77-31 KA 2367-05 is the reconstruction of US-77 beginning 0.3 miles south of US-77/Old Milford Road, north to the North Junction of US-77/K-57 in Geary County. This includes relocating sideroads at five locations including reconstruction of the Old US-77 and the Old Milford Rd/Rifle Range Rd. intersections. II. NOTICE TO PROCEED The Engineer will issue the notice to proceed no earlier than NOVEMBER 29, 2021, and after the Contract has been executed. The Contractor cannot start work until the Contractor has participated in the pre-construction conference, stormwater erosion control pre-construction conference and the SWPPP and the traffic control plan have been approved by the Engineer. CONSTRUCTION Follow the construction sequencing in the plans. Do not limit access to any roadway or property without alternate access being available nor without the indicated temporary alignment/closure or permanent construction being available. Do not completely close and detour indicated sideroads during the Winter Shutdown Period. Adjustments to plan phasing may be necessary to accommodate the completion of utility relocations. Work, without Engineer's approval, on portions of Project 77-31 KA 2367-05 before March 25, 2022, will not be allowed due to utility conflicts and the maintaining of safe and unrestricted traffic flow including shoulders. Verify known pre-existing utility locations by plan review. Relocated utility locations are not shown on the project plans. Except for approximately the first couple stations from tie-in with existing roadways, major portions of Old 77 realignment, Quarry Road realignment, Old Milford Road realignment, and Hillside Lane could be worked on due to limited locations of pre-existing utilities within the construction limits. Houston's private driveway (Sta 59+75 Ex Old US-77) has minimal utility interference but verify water well location. Geary County RWD #4 plans to be moved by March 1, 2022, and their water line is the main utility along Goldfinch Drive. Work on the east side of US-77 at Rifle Range Rd, and driveways to Lawson & Thompson and Weber off Rifle Range Road are hindered until utility movements are complete. Eradication of the entrance left of US-77 Sta 574+81 can not be before May 2, 2022, provided the entrance is complete into Lawson and Thompson property from Hillside Lane and Hillside Lane is complete to Hillside Dr and/or US-77. Eradication of roadways and entrances may not proceed until utility movements in the respective area are complete. Implement a winter shutdown period and complete the Work by SEPTEMBER 15, 2023, as detailed in Sections IV, V and VI of this special provision. the Kansas Department of Transportation Standard Specifications for State Road and Bridge Construction (2015 Ed.) (Standard Specifications) does not apply to this Contract. Instead, the Contractor shall complete the permanent seeding, the remaining, unfinished Contract pay items, subsidiary items, incidental work, final cleanup, and final punch list on or before December 15, 2023.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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October 20, 2021

November 29, 2021


US-77, Junction City, KS

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