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Published January 21, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Demolition, site work and new construction of a mixed-use development in Quebec, Quebec. Completed plans call for the demolition of a educational facility; for the construction of a educational facility; for site work for a educational facility; and sidewalk / parking lot.

Reference number : 1529514 Review Title : Redevelopment of sector 0242 of the landing stage (BNF-20-5060 project) Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2021-10-07 Electronic submission accepted: Yes, in a single submission document The purpose of this call for tenders is to conclude a construction contract which must be carried out in two phases and which consists of redeveloping sector 0242 of the landing stage of the Jean-Charles-Bonenfant pavilion. This project includes demolition and construction work on the various premises covered by this contract. The work must be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the tender documents. The Work must be carried out according to the following Schedule: Phase 1 : a) Start of Work: on the date of Award of the Contract. b) The Certificate of Acceptance with reservation must be issued no later than 5 weeks after the date of award of the Contract. c) Once the Certificate of Acceptance with reservation has been issued, the CONTRACTOR has THIRTY (30) days to complete the work subject to a reservation and to obtain the Certificate of Unreserved Acceptance. Phase 2: a) Start of Work: THE PUBLIC BODY must carry out removals between the date of issue of the Acceptance Certificate With Reservations and the start of Phase 2 Work. THE PUBLIC BODY considers that the time required to complete these removals is a week. The CONTRACTOR must wait for the signal from the PUBLIC BODY to begin the Work of phase 2. b) The Certificate of Acceptance with reservation must be issued at the latest, 6 weeks after having obtained the signal from the PUBLIC BODY to the effect that the Work of phase 2 can begin. c) Once the Certificate of Acceptance with reservation has been issued, the CONTRACTOR has THIRTY (30) days to complete the work subject to a reservation and to obtain the Certificate of Unreserved Acceptance. No speed of places is foreseen within the framework of this call for tenders.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - State/Provincial

Demolition, New Construction, Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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2345 All. des Bibliothèques, Quebec, QC

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