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Published July 4, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a civil project in Atlanta, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; for paving for a bridge / tunnel; road / highway; and road / highway.

https://theconstructionbroadsheet.com/georgia-dot-names-successful-bid-for-i-project-reports-m-april-con-p906-175.htm - The Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) has named a joint venture between Archer Western Construction LLC and Heath & Lineback Engineering Inc. as the apparent successful proposer for the Interstate 285 Westbound Auxiliary Lane Extension Project in Fulton County, Georgia. Their total contract as submitted is $34.7 million. Other proposers for the design-build project were E.R. Snell Contractor Inc./WSP USA Inc. ($46.6 million) and C.W. Matthews Contracting Co./Michael Baker International ($47.8 million). The location and design of the project received final approval in March, and the work includes an auxiliary lane with paved shoulder along a short stretch of I-285, as well as the reconstruction of one overpass bridge on the project route. The bridge will also include modifications proposed and funded by the City of Sandy Springs, Georgia - a five-foot bicycle on the west side of the bridge; a 10-foot, barrier-separated, multiuse path with pedestrian lights on the east side of the bridge; and signage. The road below a second overpass bridge, which will be widened to accommodate the auxiliary lane, will be lowered about a foot to retain the existing vertical clearance under the bridge. The GDOT also announced this week that the 17 contracts it awarded in April totaled $182.3 million. The breakdown of projects was: 47% for bridge construction; 44% for resurfacing; and 9% for safety. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Georgia DOT is seeking to contract with a Design-Builder to provide design and construction services necessary to add an auxiliary lane along I-285 Westbound between Roswell Road and Riverside Drive. The project also proposes to replace the Mt. Vernon Highway bridge over I-285 and widen the I-285 bridge over Long Island Drive in Fulton County, GA. This project will be awarded to a DB Team utilizing a Two-Phased Low Bid selection method. A Design-Build Team includes a Lead Contractor and a Lead Design Consultant working together to design and construct the project. Deadline for the submission of written questions 12/17/2021 5:00 PM


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

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