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Renovation of a municipal facility in Berryville, Virginia. Working plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The Clarke County Purchasing Department, on behalf of the Clarke County Maintenance Department is soliciting quotes from vendors that are qualified and capable of providing gutter repair services as specified in this Request for Quotes. The Clarke County Government Center has experienced some problems with its gutter system. In some areas, the water either does not flow correctly or comes down behind the gutter along the building wall. The purpose of this Request for Quotes is to hire a qualified and capable vendor that can properly regrade the guttering located on the front, north, and south sides of the building and securely fasten the gutter system so that no water falls behind the gutter next to the building. The Clarke County Government Center is located at 101 Chalmers Court in Berryville, VA 22611. The building has two stories and a basement The entire length of the front, north, and south sides of the building gutter system needs to be regraded and securely fastened to the building so that water flows properly and that no water comes downs behind the gutter. All downspouts need to be tested for proper function. The final product should ensure a guttering system that has all of the water off of the roof flowing properly through the gutter system and through the downspouts, with no water falling between the gutter and the roof. It is possible that additional blocking/framing material will be needed to securely fasten the gutter to the building. Vendors should submit a quote that provides their recommendation and price for fixing the guttering system at the Government Center. The vendors quote should detail whether the vendor will be using all existing guttering or will include any new guttering and if so, how much. The quote should detail any additional material included, such as blocking/framing material. Evaluation criteria will include: pricing and value of work described in the vendors respective quote, references, past performance, experience, estimated time to complete, warranty/guarantee, and ability to adhere to all Clarke County terms and conditions. Quotes must include all labor, travel, insurance, materials, equipment, and fuel costs needed to successfully complete the gutter system repair. Note that the selected vendor shall provide their own equipment to access the roof and guttering system. The County will not provide a lift to the selected vendor for this work. Clarke County is not responsible for any delays with the United States Postal Service or any fax/email submission problems. It is the vendors responsibility to ensure the quote is received and recorded in the Purchasing Office by the appropriate time. The selected vendor(s) will need to forward a Certificate of Insurance naming Clarke County, 101 Chalmers Court, Berryville, VA 22611 and its employees as Additionally Insured and as a Certificate Holder. Please attach a sample copy of your Certificate of Insurance with your quote. The County is requiring that the selected vendor (no matter how many employees the vendor has) have Workers Compensation Insurance before starting any work with Clarke County. All vendors shall include the cost of workers compensation insurance in their quote pricing. The selected vendor must provide evidence of Workers Compensation Insurance coverage before starting any work. All vendors are solely responsible for insuring their workers and themselves when doing work for Clarke Clarke County Purchasing Department Page 3 of 26 County. Vendors without Workers Compensation Insurance can submit a quote, but must get Workers Compensation Insurance before starting any work on County property, if awarded the contract. The price for Workers Compensation Insurance must be included in the quote. Clarke County reserves the right to accept or reject any quotes, split the order to more than one vendor, to waive any irregularities in procedures and to award the contract as shall best serve the constituents of Clarke County. Clarke County is a tax-exempt organization. No bid may be withdrawn under this paragraph when the result would be the awarding of the contract on another bid of the same bidder in which the ownership of the withdrawing bidders is more than five percent (5%). Performance and Payment Bonds - The successful Contractor shall furnish both a performance and payment bond, each in the amount equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the contract as security for the faithful performance of this contract.

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101 Chalmers Ct, Berryville, VA

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