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Published January 11, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Omaha, Nebraska. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Broadleaf weed, pest, and fertilization broadleaf weed, pest, and fertilization inspection Mowing and Trimming Pre-Emergent with Fertilizer Broadleaf Weed Control with Fertilizer Insecticide with Grub Control (June) Broadleaf Weed Control with Fertilizer Plug aeration Mowing schedule The turf areas shall be mowed and trimmed as scheduled and approved by the City of Omaha. The intent of this contract is to provide approximately 30 mows per year per facility beginning the second full week of April and ending the last week of October. Each facility shall be mowed once a week and on the same day each week weather permitting. The mowing shall be performed between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday thru Friday. No mowing is allowed on weekends or Holidays (Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, and Columbus Day). The City of Omaha reserves the right to add or subtract mows from this schedule. All mowing and trimming must be completed at the facility before the next scheduled mow to receive full payment for that facility. Mowing and trimming specification All mechanical mowers shall be maintained to provide a clean and uniform cut. Mowing blades shall be the mulching type and shall be kept sharp and the mowing speed shall be adjusted to 2 maintain a uniform cut leaving the grass at the height of three (3) inches tall. All kick-out doors of the mowers shall face away from the street, parking lots, buildings, and adjacent property. All streets, sidewalks, parking lots and landscaped beds shall be kept clean and free from clippings. All areas that cannot be mowed by mechanical mowers shall be trimmed by hand leaving the areas in a neat and well-kept condition. Hand trimmed areas may include but are not limited to grass and weeds around or along curbs, sign poles, barricade posts, street or traffic light bases, utility boxes, both sides of guard rails, rocks, landscaped areas, planted areas, trees, retaining walls, fence lines and buildings. All flower beds, mulched planting beds, mulched tree rings, and areas around bushes shall be weeded at the time the grass is mowed. All weeds clearly visible shall be removed and disposed of off site. Chemical trimming will not be allowed. All damage done to sod, trees, planting, fences, and appurtenances on public property or any damage to private property during mowing or trimming shall be repaired by the Contractor at no additional expense to the City of Omaha. Curbs and mow strips shall be kept vegetation free. Vegetation shall not be allowed to grow on or hang over any concrete area of maintained islands or around sidewalks and parking lots. Noxious Weeds shall be controlled throughout the mowing season by mechanical mowing and trimming or by chemical treatment and is considered part of the mowing and trimming bid item. Broadleaf weeds shall be spot sprayed with a 2-4, D with Dicamba herbicide through out the mowing season and is considered part of the mowing and trimming bid item. A fall application for broadleaf weeds is specified in the Broadleaf Weed, Pest, and Fertilization Schedule and is a separate bid item. Broadleaf weed, pest, and fertilization schedule The turf area shall be treated as scheduled and approved by the City of Omaha. The City of Omaha reserves the right to add or subtract weed, pest, or fertilizer applications from this schedule. The schedule is as follows Pre-emergent with fertilizer: Second full week in AprilBroadleaf weed control with fertilizer. After May 15th but before May 31st Insecticide to include grub worm control. After June 15th but before July 1st Broadleaf weed control with fertilizer. After September 15th but before October 1st Plug aeration. At the request of the City Broadleaf weed, pest, and fertilization A chemical treatment schedule will be provided by the City of Omaha. Chemical applications will be made during the year at times specified by the City of Omaha. You are required to spot spray broadleaf weeds through out the mowing season with 2-4, D with Dicamba. All damage done to sod, trees or plantings including wild flowers shall be repaired by the contractor at no additional expense to the City of Omaha. The application rate shall be as recommended by the manufacturer with special consideration given to the proximity of plants which might be damaged. The contractor shall notify the Public Works Street Maintenance Supervisor or designated representatives not less than 24 hours prior to the application of all chemicals. A log of application activity as furnished by the City of Omaha shall be submitted after any chemical application is made. All chemical applications shall be done by a person holding a Certified Pesticide Applicator Certificate issued by the State of Nebraska. The Contractor assumes all risk and will be solely responsible for any damage caused by the application of chemicals. INSPECTION The Public Works Street Maintenance Supervisor or designated representatives will inspect the work of the contractor when completed. The Public Works Street Maintenance Supervisor or designated representatives may suspend operation, if in their opinion it is not being performed in a SAFE MANNER, or not in accordance with the contract specifications. The acceptance of an individual unit of work is solely within the discretion of the Public Works Street Maintenance Supervisor or designated representatives. The contractor shall submit via fax or e-mail or phone call a listing of facilities that are completed and ready for inspection on a daily basis. This notification shall be made within one working day of the completion of the mowing and trimming and /or chemical application. The City will verify that the work is complete and authorize payment. If the work is not complete or fails to meet these specifications in any way, the contractor shall be notified by fax or phone that a specific area has not been mowed or trimmed as per specifications. The Contractor shall remedy the deficiency within 48 hours of notification. A penalty of $25.00 will be assessed if the contractor fails to satisfactorily complete the work within two (2) business days. Additional days will be allowed should weather prevent the complaint from being addressed. Right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids in their entirety and the bidders shall have the right to appeal any decision to the Omaha City Council


Roads / Highways

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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