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Published May 31, 2022 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Merrillville, Indiana. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The Project, comprised of 2 parts, is an Indiana Public Work Project governed by Ind. Code 36-1-12 et seq. Project 1 (part 1) will reduce wet weather sanitary sewer surcharging in the Turkey Creek South Subdivision. Project 1 consists of all work associated to intercept Turkey Creek South Subdivision's sanitary sewer via a new 12" gravity sanitary sewer line that will reroute sanitary sewer flows to a new proposed sanitary sewer lift station (provided by MCD and installed as part of Project 1). This lift station will be located southwest of the intersection of West 70th Place and Harrison Street near the western border of the John A. Stefek Park. MCD has an existing 20" force main south of this new lift station, which runs parallel to the southern edge of the NIPSCO owned former Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad right-of-way between Taft Street and Madison Street, which is currently the site of a public bicycle path. Project 1 provides for a new force main to exit the new lift station and proceed south, parallel to the western border of Stefek Park, where it will intercept and be connected to MCD's existing 20" force main. Project 2 (part 2) will consist of all work associated to intercept the previously replaced portion of MCD's existing 20" force main at a point approximately 1,200 feet east of Taft Street. From that point, heading east, Project 2 provides for MCD's existing 20" force main to be removed and replaced to its source at MCD's existing Madison Street Lift Station. A bid security in the form of a cashier's check, money order, certified check or bid bond issued by a corporate surety payable without conditions to the "Merrillville Conservancy District", in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the Total Bid Price shall be submitted with each Contractor's Bid Proposal. This bid security will serve as a guarantee that if a Contractor's Bid Proposal is accepted by MCD, a contractual Agreement will be entered into by MCD and Contractor and the performance of the contractual Agreement will be properly secured. The bid securities of all bidders, except the security submitted with the lowest acceptable bid, will be returned within thirty (30) days following the time of receipt of the bids. The bid security of the lowest acceptable Contractor's Bid Proposal will be returned on request after MCD has made an award to the successful bidder, after the successful bidder and MCD enter a formal "Agreement" providing for construction of the Project, and after the successful bidder delivers a satisfactory Payment Bond and Performance Bond to MCD. The Payment Bond and Performance Bond provided shall be equal to the total contract amount. All Contractor Bid Proposals shall include a fully prepared and executed "Contractor's Bid for Public Work - Form No. 96" and other documents required by the Contract Documents. MCD's Board of Directors reserves the right to reject all Contractor Bid Proposals, to waive any minor informalities or irregularities in the Bid Proposals received, or to accept any Contractor's Bid Proposal which is deemed most favorable to MCD at the time and under the conditions stated in the Contract Documents for MCD's Project.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work

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Multiple Locations, Merrillville, IN

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