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Published December 16, 2021 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a parking garage in Springfield, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a parking garage.

Sarpy County is seeking proposals from qualified vendors for the materials and installation of a post frame garage for the Tow Lot Expansion Project. The awarded vendor shall be responsible for meeting, or exceeding, the following scope of work: a. Include all necessary prep work for the structure, including recommendations or required revisions/improvements to accommodate the structure. b. Building dimensions will be 50' wide x 80' long x 16' clear ceiling height, or nearest acceptable dimensions based on the bidder's framing standards to minimize cost. c. 6" thick concrete slab to be poured by contractor, including vapor barrier, measuring approximately 52' wide x 82' long, or nearest to accommodate the structure based on contractor and/or engineering standards. d. 6" thick concrete slab immediately east of the building slab, measuring 40' wide x 25' long for loading and unloading of vehicles. e. Provide an insulated overhead door, electric opener provided, centered on east end of the building. Door will measure 20' wide x 14' high. f. Include two (2) standard, insulated pedestrian doors with exit signs to meet egress/fire requirements. Final location to be selected by owner with coordination of winning bidder. g. Walls and roof shall be insulated. Contractor to tin the interior ceiling and provide blowin insulation to reach a R38 rating. Include three (3) roof vents. Walls to be insulated to at least R19. Contractor will specify recommended insulation type (rigid foam, blankets, sprayed, etc.) h. One each, intake and exhaust fans, 1/2HP, louvered, 36" diameter (>8000 CFM), placed on north and south ends of the building. Controlled via switch. i. Fiberglass eave lights, both long sides of the structure (east/west faces), approximately 50% of the length. j. Full gutters installed on east/west faces, 3" x 4" downspouts. k. Sarpy County to select building color from available options. l. All work to be performed during regular business hours. Work must be coordinated with a designated Sarpy County project manager with at least 48 hour notice. Contractor shall provide Sarpy County with a schedule of proposed activities during a project kick off meeting. m. Proposal shall include disposal of building materials/construction waste. n. Contractor shall be responsible for the following electrical requirements (if subcontracting, confirm that the electrician will adhere to all requirements): i. Install a 125 amp, 20 space electrical service. ii. Trench approximately 1000' from OPPD transformer pole located on west side of existing tow lot building and extend power. iii. Install two (2) exterior building-mounted LED dusk to dawn lights. iv. Install two (2) pole-mounted, exterior LED dusk to dawn lights. Final location to be determined on-site (approximate shown below) v. Install eighteen (18) LED high bay lights. vi. Install two (2) light switches. vii. Install fourteen (14) GFI 20 amp outlets. viii. Install wiring for one (1) garage door opener. ix. Install two (2) exterior GFI outlets, adjacent to pedestrian doors. o. Contractor shall provide all work in compliance with trade associated standards and the authority having jurisdiction. p. Contractor shall secure all necessary permits. Permit fees to be paid for by the Owner. q. Contractor shall take necessary precautions to avoid damage to County or personal property and be responsible for repairs accordingly, at Sarpy's sole discretion. The Sarpy County tow lot is located at 14242 S. 156th Street, Springfield, NE 68059. The tow lot has been used to store impound Sheriff's Office vehicles and County surplus vehicles for several years. The County has Interlocal Agreements with City of La Vista, Papillion, and Nebraska State Patrol for use of the lot. The current lot holds approximately 260 vehicles and is regularly over capacity. On average, 1,200 - 1,300 vehicles are towed a year from the Sheriff's Office. There are about 1,000 vehicles per year between La Vista, Papillion, and State Patrol. County growth is placing increasing pressure on tow lot capacity. Question Cutoff Date 10/28/2021 11:00:00 AM (ET)


Parking Garage


Public - County


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November 2, 2021

December 2, 2021


14242 S 156th St, Springfield, NE

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