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Published January 3, 2022 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a theater / auditorium in Southaven, Mississippi. Completed plans call for the renovation of a theater / auditorium.

Estimate: 5-10 million construction cost. For Amphitheater Improvements The Owner reserves the right to reject any and all bids on any or all projects and to waive informalities or irregularities The Project consists of the new construction and renovations of the Snowden Grove Amphitheater located at 6285 Snowden Ln, Southaven, MS 38672. Project Scope includes New Upper Bowl, Lower Bowl Improvements, Entry Canopies, Commissary and Restroom North as the BASE BID. Alternates 1 through 6 consist of a new Merch/ Cafe building, Cafe addition and new merch canopy, V.I.P. Lounge, Concessions & Storage South, Restroom South & Concessions West A. Alternate No. 1 - Merch/ Cafe Building: New 2,350 sf cafeteria building and associated sitework consisting of slab-on-grade concrete foundation, standing seam metal wall panel and cementitious fiberboard board & batten wall cladding over rigid insulation on structural cmu backup wall and standing seam metal roof panel over pre-engineered light gauge roof trusses. Alternate #1 does not include kitchen equipment but includes plumbing and electrical rough-ins. B. Alternate No. 2 - Cafe Addition: 830 sf addition to existing dressing room building consisting of slab-on-grade concrete foundation, cementitious fiberboard lap siding walls with block base to match existing on structural light gauge framing and standing seam metal roof panel over pre-engineered light gauge roof trusses. Addition scope includes modifications and demolition of selective existing building elements as shown on plans. Alternate #2 includes a separate 40'x15' pre-engineered extruded aluminum canopy. Alternate #2 does not include kitchen equipment but includes plumbing and electrical rough-ins. C. Alternate No. 3 - V.I.P. Lounge: New 3,020 sf building and associated sitework consisting of slab-on-grade concrete foundation, standing seam metal wall panel and cementitious fiberboard board & batten wall cladding over rigid insulation on structural cmu backup wall and standing seam metal roof panel over pre-engineered light gauge roof trusses. Alternate #3 includes a separate 8'x8' pre-engineered extruded aluminum canopy. Alternate #3 does not include kitchen equipment but includes walk-in cooler, plumbing and electrical roughins. D. Alternate No. 4 - Concessions South: New 660 sf concessions building, 170 sf storage building and associated sitework consisting of slab-on-grade concrete foundation, standing seam metal wall panel and cementitious fiberboard board & batten wall cladding over rigid insulation on structural cmu backup wall and standing seam metal roof panel over preengineered light gauge roof trusses. Alternate #4 does not include kitchen equipment but includes vent hood, plumbing and electrical rough-ins. E. Alternate No. 5 - Restroom South: New 2,290 sf restroom building and associated sitework consisting of slab-on-grade concrete foundation, standing seam metal wall panel and composite wood wall cladding over rigid insulation on structural cmu backup wall and standing seam metal roof panel over pre-engineered light gauge roof trusses. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Theaters / Auditoriums


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6285 Snowden Ln, Southaven, MS

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