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Renovation of a municipal facility in Quebec, Quebec. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Reference number : 1535150 Deadline for receipt of complaints: 2021-10-27 Electronic submission accepted: Yes, in a single submission document Expected duration of the contract (in months): 10 The Societe de l'assurance automobile du Quebec is soliciting bids for the acquisition of construction services under the contract for "Replacement of the lighting system for indoor parking lots at the head office of the SAAQ". SUBMISSION GUARANTEE The bidder must accompany his bid with a bid security valid for a period of 45 days from the date and time set for receipt of bids: 1) an amount equivalent to 10% of the amount of the tender if the guarantee is in the form of a tender bond issued by a company legally entitled to stand surety, in favor of the Company. This bond must comply with the provisions of the model bond provided in the appendix to the call for tenders document. IMPORTANT ADDING ANY CONDITION OR CHANGE IN PROVISION OF THE TEXT OF THE TENDER SECURITY ANNEX AND THE IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF GUARANTEE ANNEX OF THE TENDER DOCUMENT WILL DISCONTINUE THE TENDER. The Company retains the bid guarantee from the lowest compliant bidder until the time of signing the contract. It also retains the bid security from the second and third lowest compliant bidders up to a maximum of 45 days or until the contract is signed by the selected bidder. The tender guarantee will be given to the successful tenderer in exchange for the performance guarantee when the contract is signed. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE Before signing the contract, the successful tenderer will be asked for a performance guarantee in an amount equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract, provided in the form of a bond issued by a legally authorized company. to stand surety, in accordance with the third paragraph of article 12 of the Regulation respecting construction contracts of public bodies. This bond must be issued in favor of the Societe de l'assurance automobile du Quebec and comply with the provisions of the model bond provided in the appendix to the call for tenders document. GUARANTEE OF THE CONTRACTOR'S OBLIGATIONS FOR PLEDGES, MATERIALS AND SERVICES Prior to the signing of the contract, the contractor whose name will be retained will be asked for a guarantee of the contractor's obligations for wages, materials and services in an amount equivalent to fifty percent (50%) of the amount of the contract, provided in the form of a bond issued by a company legally authorized to stand surety, in accordance with the third paragraph of article 12 of the Regulation respecting construction contracts of public bodies. This bond must be issued in favor of the Societe de l'assurance automobile du Quebec and comply with the provisions of the model bond provided in the appendix. If the contractor omits or neglects to meet its obligations for pledges, materials and services, the Company may use the guarantee of the contractor's obligations for pledges, materials and services to remedy, as it sees fit, the omissions or negligence noted. . ELIGIBILITY - RBQ LICENSE The contractor must have a valid license that is not covered by a construction contractor's restriction issued by the Regie du batiment du Quebec, in the "General contractor" category and in sub-category 1.3 "Building contractor of all kinds" . RESERVE The Societe de l'assurance automobile du Quebec does not undertake to accept the lowest or any of the offers received.




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November 15, 2021

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333 Bd Jean-Lesage, Quebec, QC

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