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Renovation of a transportation facility in Boston, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for the renovation of a transportation facility.

Installation and completion, in every aspect, of replacement security system user interface components (monitors, computers, uninterruptible power supplies, keyboards, mice and associated cabling) at the MBTA Hub Centers in stations and facilities Required for DCAMM contracts over $150,000, Highway Division contracts over $50,000. Provide for the installation and completion, in every aspect, of replacement security system user interface components at MBTA Hub Centers and Stations . ##F-20 Worksite Locations o 45 High Street, Boston, MA o Airport Station - Transportation Way and Service Rd., East Boston, MA o Back Bay Station - 145 Dartmouth St., Boston, MA o Harvard Station - 1400 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA o North Station - 135 Causeway St., Boston, MA o South Station - 700 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA o State Transportation Building - 10 Park Plaza, 4 th Floor, Boston, MA . The Contractor shall work with the MBTA Security and Emergency Management (SEM) Department for the procurement, installation, configuration, programming, set-up, commissioning, testing, and maintenance of the new Hub Center Security System User Interface items, and the disposal of the legacy equipment. B. The Contractor shall provide a Project Manager (PM) and a Project Manager's Representative (PMR) as a single point of contact, who will be available to speak with the Authority twenty-four (24) hours per day, seven (7) days per week, for the duration of the project, for the purpose of administering this Contract. C. The new items including monitors, computers, IP intercoms, uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), extenders, cables, keyboards, and mice shall be as described herein and as shown on the Contract Drawings. D. The new items shall be installed per manufacturer's recommendations at existing locations as shown on the Contract Drawings. Monitors shall be mounted with similar orientation to those being replaced. E. Where possible, the Contractor shall utilize the existing overhead monitor mounts. Where existing mounting components cannot be used, replacement components shall be provided by the Contractor as required. New components shall be designed by the manufacturer for the sole purpose of pendant mounting monitors of the type and size provided The newcomponentswillreplaceobsolete itemsat a single workstation in eachHubCenter.The equipment at the second Hub Center workstation shall be removed and will not be replaced. New components shall also be provided to replace existing equipment at two workstations in the 10 Park Plaza Hub Center.The Contractor shall provide two new video client workstation computers at the Security Operations Center, alongwith spare components.Theworkshall also include theinstallationof ancillary equipment asrequired to provide a complete,functionalsystem at each location. Construction documents as follows: 2.1.1 MBTA Hub Center UserInterfaceReplacement Scope of Work Rev0_Solicitation Set - Attached in COMMBUYS. 2.1.2 MBTA Hub Center UserInterface Replacement Executive - Attached in COMMBUYS 2.1.3 MBTA Hub Center UserInterfaceReplacement Drawing Package Solicitation Set - Attached in COMMBUYS 2.1.4 MBTA Hub Center UserInterfaceReplacement Contractor Bid Requirements - Attached in COMMBUYS 2.1.5 MBTA Hub Center UserInterfaceReplacement CDRL List - Attached in COMMBUYS.


Transportation Terminals


Public - State/Provincial


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Multiple Locations, Boston, MA

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